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Competitors of Marriott and Their Differences

Essay Instructions:

According to the PowerPoint that I provided to write an essay to compare the competitors of Marriott from their perspectives of their similarities, differences, and competitive advantages.

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Competitors of Marriott
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Competitors of Marriott
Marriot International is one of the leading hotel chains in the world. Over the years, Marriot International has acquired several other smaller hotels to help it remain competitive. Acquisition of smaller entities means that Marriot can eliminate competition in its industry. This has enabled Marriot International to grow. With increased growth comes better services and experiences. However, Marriot still faces competition from other luxury hotels. Although similar to its competitors, Marriot still differs in some ways. Also, a brilliant approach to the hospitality industry has enabled Marriot to retain a competitive advantage.
Marriot’s two major competitors are Hyatt and Four Seasons hotels and resorts. Marriot, Four Seasons, and Hyatt are all similar in a number of ways. First, they are all known as luxury hotels. For instance, whenever one mentions Four Seasons, the immediate reaction is that it is a place for the wealthy. The same applies to Marriot and Hyatt. Second, all three hotels are known for their full service. While staying at either hotel, one does not need to worry about any aspect of their homely living because it is taken care of. Third, each hotel boasts great locations. Great locations are important to customers because they represent the wealth and status that comes with staying at either of the three hotels. Also, great locations help customers move about with ease in their travel destination.
One of the major differences between the Marriot, Four Seasons, and Hyatt lies in ...
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