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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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CitizenM Essay. Business and Marketing Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay to compare one of the competitors of the Hotel Moxy that is CitizenM from their similarities, differences, and competitive advantages.

Single spaced, 12-front size,

Reference use APA style

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The business has always been an area of intense competition. Competition within the hospitality industry is even stiffer. Service providers within the hospitality industry have to keep up with current trends, or else they will be edged out of business. The reason why the business of hospitality can be quite volatile is that it is purely determined by the customer. If the customer is not pleased with your service, they will move on to the next. Hence, every hotel company has to make regular changes to satisfy its customers. This paper seeks to examine CitizenM, a competitor of Hotel Moxy, to determine the similarities, differences, and competitive advantages between the two hotels.
CitizenM’s design is quite urban and contemporary. In today’s market, consumers are increasingly looking for a minimalist way of living, and CitizenM provides this. By looking at its lounge sitting structure, one gets an idea of the kind of environment the hotel is promoting. Customers sit close to each other. Therefore, even if people travel alone, they can still get to meet and interact with new people at CitizenM. Hotel Moxy, on the other hand, seeks to maintain the classic hotel structure while at the same time introducing an urban feel and design. For Hotel Moxy, this design works because while traveling, and most people want privacy. At the same time, they want to relax in their own comfort, and Hotel Moxy provides this. Ho...
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