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Computer Services Inc: Competitors and Business Requirements

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the following.
The signature assignment for this course is 2 pages with cited research on your reference organization (Computer Services
Now that you have worked with a reference organization throughout the course, sketch the business plan of a small firm that you could open, operate and manage. The paper would become a skeleton of a business plan that would incorporate all the components of your course. More specifically, address the following questions in your paper: - Describe the object of activity and overall mission of the firm and explain why you chose that firm? - Present the main organization of the firm in terms of human resources, assets, and discuss the different areas of social
responsibility that you may face - Analyze, hypothetically, the relevant market for your products,
list the competitors - Are there any regulatory requirements for your business?
- Project the revenues, costs and expected profits
- What kind of risks would your firm face and how do you plan to mitigate them?
- Analyze how domestic and international economics affect your business.
The general guidelines for the final signature assignment are:
Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in
12-point Times New Roman.
Your Essay should have an Executive Summary (no more than 1 page), a Title Page and References Page (Note: your executive summary, title page, and references page are not
included in the 2 page count). 
Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism. Your essay must have a thesis statement and conclusion that are both supported at least 4 sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Computer Services Inc
Computer services, Inc seeks to offer technology solutions to banks business enterprises require, credit unions as well as other industries that require core processing and managed services (Computer Service, Inc, 2016). Business enterprises require integrated information technology solutions, and Computer Services, Inc is well placed to cater to customer needs. The firm was identified for its potential for growth and ability to offer solutions to clients in the service industry. The business plan highlights relevant aspects to the success of the company’s business operations. Transparency, accountability and good customer service are essential to the success of the computer to attract more clients and attract the existing ones. This is a proposed business plan for Computer Services, Inc focusing on human resource requirements, competitors and economic issues that affect the business environment.
Human resources, assets and social responsibility
The human resource function in the organization focuses on recruiting and keeping the best talent available, while improving the working conditions to improve the workers motivation.
The social responsibility function of the company involves around integrating innovation to reduce the environment impact, with the technology solutions reducing the need for packaging. At the same time, the company will drive change to service communities where the firm operates. This includes addressing pressing social issues and volunteerism. Business entities and organizations offering banking services are potential customers, who need the products. The software as a service provider is increasingly been adopted, while customers give feedback about the software services to improve performance (Bokhari, 2010, p. 6).
Competitors and business requirements
There are various competitors in the computer and information technology market, with big players like the Accenture PLC, Albridge Solutions, INDATA and Wipro Ltd. The most competitive industry players not only offer technology solutions they customize the information technology while they have consultants who have the expertise to integrate business processes unique to the customers’ needs. There are few regulatory requirements for firms in the computer service sector, but there is a need to protect the users’ information and maintaining privacy. There is a risk of lawsuits for breach of security that result in information exposure to unauthorized third parties.
The projected revenues, costs and expected profits in a three-year period are
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