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3 pages/≈825 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics

Essay Instructions:


Assignment Overview

Ethics in Marketing

Worldwide headlines follow ethical lapses of corporate leaders or flawed ad campaigns. Some survive the negative publicity, but others do not recover. When organizations do the right thing or give back to communities, the coverage may not become as viral.

Case 3 Resources

Storytelling Marketing For Small Businesses: How To Captivate Audiences and Capture Market Shares (2022)

How to Write a Blog Post: 6 Steps + Tips (2022)

Managing a Socially Responsible Business (2022)

Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (2022)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (2022)

Why Is Social Responsibility Important in Marketing? (2022)

The do's and don'ts of ethical marketing (2022)

Case Assignment

Blogs: Ethics & CSR

You will be writing two blogs or articles for your website.

Article 1: Your Company’s CSR

Write a 300- to 350-word article that communicates how your business will give back and is socially responsible. The article is part of a marketing promotion or a way to strengthen the brand and support its message. It may be written in 1st person plural (we, our) as if you are an employee of the company.

Include at least two Hashtags for the article. You may want to search for a hashtag generator to help.

Insert three hyperlinks within the article linked to authoritative sources on the subject and one linked to the source used to write this project. Be sure that the article or site to which you are linking is a quality source with which the company wants to be connected. How to insert a hyperlink.

Article 2: Your Company’s Ethics

Write a 300- to 350-word article that communicates your company’s ethics. It may be written in 1st person plural (we, our) as if you are an employee of the company.

Include at least two Hashtags for the article. You may want to search for a hashtag generator to help.

Insert three hyperlinks within the article linked to authoritative sources on the subject and one linked to the source used to write this project. Be sure that the article or site to which you are linking is a quality source with which the company wants to be connected. How to insert a hyperlink.

Publish both articles or blogs on your website and include a link in this submission. ( I will do this)

Assignment Expectations

Use the attached template to submit your work 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Article 1: Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
As committed members of our establishment, we take on board the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and push to make a beneficial impact on the community. In this article, we would like to relay how we give back and exhibit our shared social responsibility commitment. Our Company respects the importance of CSR in today's business setting. We solidly believe that success is better not gauged solely by financial earnings but also by the positive philanthropy that we jointly contribute to our shared world and community.
At our Company, we understand that sustainability is essential to CSR. We have employed eco-friendly policies in every setup stage to reduce our shared environmental effects. From reducing waste to using renewable energy sources and implementing recycling programs, we are committed to protecting the planet and conserving its resources for future generations. Empowerment and learning are at the core of our corporate social responsibility ventures. We all strongly believe in supporting the potential of both individuals and communities.
By partnering with organizations and local schools, we provide educational opportunities, scholarships, and mentorship programs to help individuals reach their real prospects and dreams. In addition to education, we actively support social causes that address pressing issues. From combating poverty and hunger to supporting healthcare initiatives and promoting equality and inclusivity, we all stand alongside organizations that work tirelessly to make a positive difference in people's lives. To stay true to our shared commitment to CSR, we all ensure transparency and accountability in all our endeavors.
We regularly report on our progress, milestones, and impact to ensure our stakeholders comprehensively understand our initiatives. By facilitating open dialogue with our stakeholders, we actively seek feedback and suggestions to improve our CSR practices as we gear onward continuously; our commitment to corporate social responsibility remains unaffected. We can tailor a better future for each person by embracing sustainable h...
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