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Communicating in Teams and Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Complete the self-assessments outlined below which can be found in this Module: Week's Learn material. Pick one of them and post your thread according to the detailed instructions and rubric provided.

Team Dynamics: Chapter 8: What Team Roles Do You Prefer?

Team Dynamics: Chapter 9: Are You An Active Listener?

Team Dynamics: Chapter 10: What’s Your Approach to Influencing Co-Workers?

Team Dynamics: Chapter 11: What’s Your Preferred Conflict Handling Style?

Please review the Discussion Assignment Instructions Download Discussion Assignment Instructionsprior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

The Discussions present an opportunity for you to evaluate yourself and your role within your
organization. For the assigned Module: Week, you will complete multiple self-assessment
activities and select one to discuss. You will be required to write a thread of at least 250 words
on the self-assessment, complete with page references and specifics to document the response,
and submit it to the corresponding Discussion Thread. Correct use of English and grammar are
required. You will find the Self-Assessment Activities in Connect.
Additionally, you will be required to submit a substantive written reply of at least 100 words to
at least 2 classmates’ Discussion Threads.
To complete your thread:
1. Complete four self-assessments. Select one to discuss with the class.
2. Conduct a search through the Jerry Falwell Library, which can be found in the
Disccussion Assignment Resources, to find and read 1 recent scholarly business article
that relates to the self-assessment content.
3. Submit a thread that contains the following information in the following format, using the
headers so that you ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in a point deductions.
a. Self-assessment: Give a brief explanation of the selected self-assessment and your
results. The textbook should be used and cited for this portion of the assignment.
b. Discussion:
i. Give a brief discussion of how the article relates to the self-assessment and
how you can use the self-assessment results to contribute to an
organization. This gives you the opportunity to add value to the discussion
by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. Draw your peers into
discussion of topics by asking questions. This is the most important part of
the thread.
ii. Biblical Integration: Use at least one appropriate scripture verse or

narrative from the Bible to support your discussion and use it in proper
context. How can you apply Scripture to the assessment results?
c. References: Each reference and article read must adhere to current APA edition
format. Include the complete URL for the selected article (use a persistent link for
articles from the Jerry Falwell Library). These do not count toward the 250-
word requirement.
4. Threads are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: Week.
To complete your replies:
1. Read the threads of your classmates. Expect to spend some time each day reviewing all
threads and replies, even those in which you are not involved.
2. Write a reply of at least 100 words to at least 2 of your classmates’ threads. You should
expect to answer questions posed within each discussion thread. Student interaction is
key to success in this course.
3. Replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) Monday of the assigned Module: Week. Both replies
must be submitted together to earn credit for this portion of the assignment. If replies are

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submitted late, then they must be submitted in the same week (all at once) to earn credit.
Replies submitted in multiple weeks will not be graded.
Consult the accompanying rubric for how your instructor will grade this assignment. Also, any
form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire
Articles may be found in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, or any other
reputable website that deals with business. You will be performing academic research, which

utilizes reliable sources of information from reputable magazines or newspapers that are
available in electronic format or hard copy. Sites that are absolutely not acceptable are:
  Commercial sites (usually a consultant’s web page, but may take other forms)
Blogs (be careful, some look very convincing)
Education sites (these usually do not contain articles, but rather lecture notes or student
You should utilize the Jerry Falwell Library portal for research, but note that some articles may
not offer persistent links. If you utilize articles found in LexisNexis or other sites that are behind
security walls, you will need to make the articles available to classmates by copying and pasting
into a Microsoft Word document and attaching the document to the thread. If this is done, be
sure that you include the references in current APA edition format at the bottom of the
Discussion thread.
The availability of the articles that you research regarding the topic is important because
classmates must be able to read the articles to form their own opinions and gain further insight
into the topic. Students need to understand not merely the self-assessment terms but also how to
research reliable sources. This is not only to further their education, but also for their
professional use


Discussion Assignment Resources

Jerry Falwell Library

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communicating in Teams and Organizations

* Self-assessment
Chapter nine in McShane and Von (2021) discusses communicating in teams and organizations. Specifically, many communication-related aspects are covered, including communication relevance in organizational setups, the communication process or steps, barriers affecting the effective communication process, and most importantly, how to facilitate easier communication and message conveyance to all the parties concerned within the communication in question. Regarding self-assessment of the concepts learned from chapter nine, I’m confident. I believe that I am an active listener in any communication scenario because I possess the relevant qualities of active listening. First and foremost, I always acknowledge feelings and demonstrate empathy. A speaker might sound like they need you to be on the same page with them, but they want the listener to comprehend their sense. Recognizing how they feel encompasses accepting the speaker’s declarations while observing tonal variation and body language and attempting to ascertain the speaker’s emotions. It is crucial to show the speaker that you admit whatever they feel. Secondly, I’m an active listener because I ask for clarification and extra relevant details I might need to know. It implies that I’m attempting to comprehend and not just to drive my opinions onto the other party. I ensure relevant question formulation in trying to ask for clarification after listening carefully when the speaker speaks. Thirdly, I consider providing meaningful feedback to allow the speaker to evaluate if they conveyed the message appropriately and if I understood their message.
b. Discussion
i. Brief Article Discussion
           Kate Murphy’s article in The Guardian talks about listening and its significance regarding effective communication, wh...
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