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Could RFID Technology be Used to Become Mark of the Beast?

Essay Instructions:

Answers the question: “Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast? Why or why not?” Understand that this post is an intersection of Theology and Technology question. You cannot answer this post without considering both.

Technology can be used for good. Think of all medical devices that have saved countless lives over the decades.

Technology can also be used for evil. Think of how technology can be used to manufacture biological weapons and mind-altering drugs or to facilitate kidnapping, human trafficking, and even murder.

In the hands of good people, any technological device can be used for good. In the hands of evil people, the same device can be used for evil. Thus, it is true for RFIDs.

Some people have suggested different uses for RFIDs, including the tracking of humans through the use of chip implants beneath the skin. For all of the benefits that this potentially brings, could there be hidden dangers as well? Some people have likened embedded RFIDs in humans to the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:17 (NIV): “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

You will find countless resources by An Internet search on topics like:

End time Prophecy and RFID

Is RFID the Mark of the Beast

Technology as the Mark of the Beast

Note that the positions taken in the references above are not necessarily those of Liberty University, your instructor, myself, or anyone associated with LU. It is up to YOU to make up your own mind as you discover whether there is any research that links RFIDs to the mark of the beast.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Could RFID Technology be Used to Become Mark of the Beast?
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an innovation that utilizes radio waves to recognize a labeled item. It is utilized in a few business and modern applications, from following things along a production network to monitoring things with a library. Radio Frequency Identification is used for a central processor, a controlled receiving wire, and a scanner. Although business utilization for the technology was first invented during the 1970s, it has become increasingly open lately (Ibrahim et al., 2019). With progressions in the innovation used to analyze and store data, it is currently more reasonable to buy and apply.
Radio Frequency Identification deals with a little electronic gadget, a microprocessor with stored data. These gadgets are, for the most part, small, in most cases the size of a grain of rice, and can hold much information. The scanners used to peruse these gadgets can provide sufficient power to permit them to read the micro-processor. There are various purposes for the innovation; however, it is generally utilized in the following items, animals and cash.
Advantages of RFID.
RFID has many advantages outside the conspiracy that it is a mark of the beast. RFID can help a business track and manage inventory which is usually a challenge for most businesses. The technology can track items without the need to physically count individual items since the technology can see the locations and number of items (Ibrahim et al., 2019). The automation provided by RFID helps the organization save money and time, therefore, maximizing profit. In addition, data availability and accuracy are greatly improved since the collected is electronically uploaded without transcriptional errors, missed items, or duplication. The health and safety are also enhanced since inspection dates can be monitored. The technology shortens the organizational processes by integrating other supply chain and manufac...
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