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Сollege essay. My Interest in Business as my Major

Essay Instructions:

"Explain your interest in the major you selected and describe how you have recently explored or developed this interest, inside and/or outside the classroom. You may also explain how this major relates to your future career goals. "

this is the topic for my college essay, and I chose the Business as my major, so just write something about what I've done. You can also write once I exprienced in my dad's company, and I got expired by that.

(one small favor, could you write above 300 words please?)

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My Interest in Business as my Major
My Interest in Business as my Major
I chose Business as my major because I have always admired business leaders such s Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and the late Steve Jobs. Understanding proper management businesses and the challenges they go through is essential for me because it is the only way I can also succeed in my own business. When growing up, I realised that almost every discipline such as engineering and medicine require some business skills for the professionals in that field. Either the people from other disciplines do their businesses or are working for some companies, meaning that either way, business is involved. I felt that business places itself in the central position because it connects to all the other disciplines. The connection between business and the other subjects makes me feel important and key because I will be able to have an idea on how the other disciplines can increase revenues or reduce costs in order to survive.
Having a business knowledge will also enable me invest wisely for the future of my family. I will apply the financial management practices to invest in various sectors where I can maximize interest received and mitigate the risks. Will not be able to spend money on the brokers who reap huge amount of money from investors but there are very little to show. My interest in business major will also help me to invest wisely in businesses to maximize shareholder’s wealth and pay employees well to increase business’ productivity.

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