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Analyzing Cultures: Brazilian Market

Essay Instructions:

Now that you have your approved idea for the project it is time to begin the second part of the project, which builds on Project Part 1. Using the same company of choice that is proposing an expansion opportunity overseas, conduct research on the country. Specifically focus on the culture and cultural exchange. For the culture, review the web site http://geert-hofstede(dot)com/ to compare the cultural differences between the countries. Identify the cultural differences and consider the cultural exchange. In addition, research and choose the best distributions method: Product/Market, Pricing, and Positioning.

Identify the following:

• Cultural differences

• Cultural exchange

• Distribution Methods

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Project Assignment Part 2
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Project Assignment Part 2
Brazilian market consists of multicultural groups with varied beliefs, values, and norms. Therefore, analyzing its culture is important in identifying the right distribution channels and marketing strategies in the new market. Being a dominant food service retailer, McDonald aims to expand its business and explore new opportunities across the world. It also plans to develop a reliable system that connects its customers. Developing a close relationship and the right marketing strategies, therefore, relies on the ability of the company to prioritize the social factors surrounding the lives of people in the targeted market. Culture is one of the critical factors that determine a marketing plan thus impacting on the applied distribution methods.
McDonald's global expansion targets both developed and developing countries. According to (Barki & Parente, 2014), the target is due to the fast-growing economies and the urban population growth. Brazil is one of the states recognized to have the most diverse population, and this requires the company to develop a precise understanding of the existing cultural differences and how culture could be utilized to promote the sales. For instance, food is one factor that reflects on culture. Brazilians barely eat with hands, and also they are too much touchy when dealing with foods. Also, their eating habits also vary from Americans. Other factors include workplace eating, which is also discouraged (Barki & Parente, 2014). Therefore, distribution strategies focus on these areas.
The growing market has increased the company's sales and addressed a significant need for services such as those offered by MacDonald. It has, therefore, invested in the right distribution channels thus attracting clients in the country. Cultural exchange is one of the factors that ensures ideas gained from one country are transferred or exchanged with those encountered by other distributors and...
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