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Issue of a Capital Gains Tax: Sale of Owner-Occupied Houses in Canada

Essay Instructions:

The paper should address the issue of a capital gains tax on the sale of owner-occupied houses by Canadians (to be classified as “owner occupied”, the owner must have lived in the house for at least one year).  At this moment (August 2021), capital gains on owner-occupied housing in Canada are not taxed, while capital gains on property that is rented out are subject to tax.  The United States deals somewhat differently with this issue.  Such a tax could be extremely large during a period of rapidly increasing house prices.  No politician has dared to touch this issue (even the NDP has shied away from it), although recently it has surfaced (see https://granthshala.com/liberals-anti-flipping-tax-chips-away-at-exemption-for-principal-residences/).

Your paper should begin by detailing the nature of the capital gains exemption for personal residences in Canada, and also describing the American system.  What kind of economic arguments could be made in favour of such an exemption, and what arguments could be made against it?  Discuss in some detail the issues of horizontal and vertical equity implicit in the exemption.  Can you come up with a rough estimate of the cost to the government in this exemption (this will be the hardest part of the paper, since it will require you to do some digging and to make some fairly wild assumptions!)?  Given how lucrative such a tax would be for both federal and provincial governments, why do you think they have shied away from it?  Finally, would you be in favour of or opposed to the imposition of such a tax?  Explain your reasoning.


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Issue of a Capital Gains Tax on the Sale of Owner-Occupied Houses in Canada
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Issue of a Capital Gains Tax on the Sale of Owner-Occupied Houses in Canada
Owner-occupied houses are considered capital assets, which must be subjected to capital gains tax. In Canada, the Carter Commission recommended the exemption of a capital gains tax on the sale of a principal residence to encourage Canadians to realize their dreams of homeownership. That implies that Canadians who use their homes as private residences may defer the taxation of unrealized gains until the time of deemed deposition (Cestnick, 2021). At the same level, the U.S. allows for deducting mortgage interest payments and property taxes from taxable income. Regardless, the rapid increase in house prices and tax reforms calls for a capital gains tax exemption to remedy.
Economic arguments favoring capital gains tax exemption
Many Canadians count on the value of the principal residence to finance their retirement plans, meaning affordability is essential to sustain ease in buying properties. For Canadian homeowners, tax exemption for principal residences lowered the costs of relocating from one owner-occupied home property to another, maintaining the concept of affordability. In other words, capital gains tax protection gave Canadians the opportunity to achieve their dreams of homeownership as property owners opt for sales options rather than holding assets. For the Canadian government, exemption on the capital gains tax promotes property affordability and improves Canadian citizens' financial health and balance sheet. Furthermore, the exemption was available to offset capital gains realized throughout the property's lifetime. That said, Canadian homeowners could use the capital gains tax exemption as an opportunity to raise capital to start businesses that would promote the Canadian economy. 
 In most situations, the exemption encourages most Canadians to buy and sell their homes freely without worrying about the potential effects income tax may have on the profits realized from a home's sales (Kathrada, 2020). That implies that capital gains tax exemption is vital for achieving a less volatile housing market with applicable standard prices. Indeed, the capital gains tax exemption favors homeowners relative to renters because it helps to create equality between homeowners with different job circumstances. However, when homeowners change the status of their property from personal use to income-producing, a capital gains tax is imposed when the current market value of the property exceeds the taxpayer's costs.  
Economic arguments against capital gains tax exemption
Sometimes, the government can tighten the rules of claiming exemption on sales of principal homes and create new regulations needing taxpayers to report the disposition of the principal property. Those who oppose exemption on capital gains upon the sale of owner-occupied houses claim that even though the exemption makes the housing market lucrative, it has fostered a highly volatile market with varyingly higher prices. They argue that house prices continue to rise as the exemption will increase Canadians preferences towards owning homes. Furthermore, the exemption reduces profits through higher tax rates imposed for short-term gains (Cestnick, 2021). While the exemption on owner-occupied houses allows homeowners to defer tax until the asset is sold, this could disadvantage those who hold their properties over a short duration. For example, a Canadian who buys a house and wishes to sell the property after one year of tenancy will receive lesser profits than another homeowner who holds the asset for ten years and above. 
The opposing side claims that taxing capital gains on principal residence would inhibit economic growth and encourage the continued supply of risk capital. In other words, taxing capital gains upon disposition of an asset would result in higher taxation on income, which has led Canadian homeowners to refrain from selling their assets—curtailing the Canadians' dream of achieving affordable housing. Furthermore, Canadian homeowners must pay a capital gains tax that depends on the time the property is held, which detriment the taxpayers on a grander scale (Cestnick, 2021). So, imposing a tax exemption on capital gains leads to nothing less than backlashes as the capital gains tax that foll...
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