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Business Strategy: Fishing Boat Manufacturer

Essay Instructions:

Below are the competencies and criteria for the paper. Some reference links are listed at the bottom for your convenience. Thanks so much!



3063.1.8 : The Impact of Innovation

The graduate identifies the impact of innovation in personal and professional settings.

3063.1.9 : Techniques of Strategic Management

The graduate utilizes evidence-based techniques to make strategic decisions.

3063.1.10 : Business Strategy and Analysis

The graduate applies appropriate business practices to formulate recommendations that impact organizational effectiveness.


Today’s business environment is characterized by competitive intensity that requires innovative thinking and strategic decision-making competencies. As a business professional, it is essential that you apply the principles of design thinking and strategic decision-making to positively influence the effectiveness of a business in its markets. In this task, you will provide a market entry overview, using the following scenario.


A U.S. fishing boat manufacturer is known throughout the United States for its innovative approach to product design, lean manufacturing, and responsive customer service since its start three years ago. The mission statement of the company is “We will provide the most innovative customer-driven design and growth in the industry.” The founders’ ideals for the company are described in the vision statement: “We will be the most sustainable company in the industry.” The company’s ethical statement that guides all conduct and decision-making is “We will make decisions that are sustainable for customers and the environment.”

The company’s founders have created an organizational culture of innovation. They have provided incentives for employees’ creative ideas and created testing laboratories where customers use the products and provide design feedback. The founders have also invited innovators in other industries, such as gaming and information technology, to improve on the designs. The founders have cultivated a company culture in which employees and founders are considered equal partners. The company structure is decentralized, and all employees can access the founders at any time for collaboration, shared decision-making, or relationship building. All company decisions are evaluated by all employees to ensure that everyone is committed to the decisions.

The company has identified an emerging global market opportunity in India for its products. Successful sales in India could represent a critical moment for the company if the company establishes strategic partnerships that will increase the likelihood of product success. The founders hope to capture profits and market share and expand into other parts of Asia within the first year of selling products in India.

Research indicates market potential for the company’s sales in India because of the importance of the fishing industry in the country. Fishing and aquaculture are primary industries in the coastal regions of India. Economic zones have been established to support the over 14 million people who are an important part of the fishing industry. This industry makes up 1% of the nation’s gross domestic product and 7% of global fish exports (Hanko Hackberry Group, n.d.).

The company’s goal of the market expansion into India is to be the first foldable fishing boat manufacturer reaching the country. An origami-inspired foldable fishing boat is the company’s most popular product. This boat comes designed as a plastic carrying case that unfolds into the water like an origami paper boat. This boat is suitable for uses in calm water, and the boat can be recycled. The product retails for U.S.$200.

Traditional fishers use nonmechanized boats, which would be ideal for the foldable boat’s entry into the market. Laws and regulations surrounding the use of nonmechanized boats favor importing foldable boats, which would be easy for fishers to carry from home to the water. The business climate in India is open to new partnerships to improve the fishing experience for those who preserve the natural ecosystem with nonmotorized boats. The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) promotes the use of natural fishing equipment to reduce disruption to the fishing ecosystem in India (National Fisheries Development Board, n.d.).

The U.S. boat manufacturer’s founders met with the NFDB to request an endorsement for their foldable boats because of the product’s sustainable design and net-zero environmental impact. The founders discovered that the NFDB would only endorse the boat if it was made of plastics used in India, in order to reduce the waste products in the nation’s landfills.

This endeavor would require the U.S. company to make a significant investment in India. The company would need to purchase or build a manufacturing facility, or it would need to contract with a facility owner to secure a manufacturing location. It would need to employ Indian workers. Lastly, the company would have to manufacture a new foldable boat made from used plastics in India with an environmentally friendly waterproof coating.

The new foldable boat could be designed in several ways, and the company would need to test a series of paper products and waterproof coatings to determine which would be suitable for fishers in India. The fishers range in age from 13 to 70, so the design would need to be comfortable and portable enough for all fishers in this target group.

The company decides to hire Indian fishers to help design the product to reach this market. These fishers will provide qualitative, open-ended conversations and data that will be valuable in communicating the product’s features and benefits to other fishers. The product will be tested by a variety of fishers that represent different sectors of the fishing industry, different regions, and different cultural segments. Testing will provide generalizable, qualitative data about the product use and effectiveness.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Discuss aspects of the company from the provided scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe in detail how each of the following aspects from the scenario affect the company's decision-making process:

• company culture

• organizational structure

• strategic direction, including mission and vision statements

2. Describe in detail how the company’s culture could affect the market entry strategy.

3. Discuss in detail whether the organizational structure is an advantage or disadvantage to the company and explain why.

B. Discuss the company’s product from the provided scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe specific characteristics of the emerging market that affect the company’s product.

2. Discuss in detail how either a new product or an improvement to the company’s existing product would meet the market characteristics identified in part B1.

a. Include details of each of the steps the company would take in the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2.

b. Choose three of the following aspects from the scenario, and provide a detailed discussion of their effect on the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2:

• company culture

• emerging market culture

• company ethics

• emerging market ethics

• organizational structure

• global legal systems

3. Discuss in detail how the company’s ethical statement from the scenario influences the market entry strategy.

C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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The submission does not describe how each of the given aspects affect the company’s decision-making process.


The submission describes how each of the given aspects affect the company’s decision-making process but is not supported by specific details from the scenario, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission accurately describes how each of the given aspects affect the company’s decision-making process and is supported by specific details from the scenario.



The submission does not describe how the company’s culture could affect the market entry strategy.


The submission describes how the company’s culture could affect the market entry strategy but is not supported by specific details, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission accurately describes how the company’s culture could affect the market entry strategy and is supported by specific details.



The submission does not discuss whether the organizational structure is an advantage or disadvantage to the company or explain why.


The submission discusses whether the organizational structure is an advantage or disadvantage to the company and explains why, but is not supported by specific details, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission accurately discusses whether the organizational structure is an advantage or disadvantage to the company and explains why, and the discussion is supported by specific details.



The submission does not describe characteristics of the emerging market that affect the company’s product.


The submission describes characteristics of the emerging market that affect the company’s product but the characteristics are not specific, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission accurately describes specific characteristics of the emerging market that affect the company’s product.



The submission does not discuss how either a new product or an improvement to the company’s existing product would meet the market characteristics identified in part B1.


The submission discusses how either a new product or an improvement to the company’s existing product would meet the market characteristics identified in part B1 but is not supported by specific details, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission accurately discusses how either a new product or an improvement to the company’s existing product would meet the market characteristics identified in part B1 and is supported by specific details.



The submission does not include details of each of the steps the company would take in the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2.


The submission includes each of the steps the company would take in the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2 but does not include specific details for 1 or more steps, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission includes specific details for each of the steps the company would take in the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2, and the details included are accurate.



The submission does not include 3 given aspects or discuss of their effect on the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2.


The submission includes 3 given aspects and discusses their effect on the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2 but is not supported by specific details, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission includes 3 given aspects and accurately discusses their effect on the design thinking process for the new or improved product from part B2, and is supported by specific details.



The submission does not discuss how the company’s ethical statement influences the market entry strategy.


The submission discusses how the company’s ethical statement influences the market entry strategy but is not supported by specific details, or the submission contains inaccuracies.


The submission accurately discusses how the company’s ethical statement influences the market entry strategy and is supported by specific details.



The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list; however, the citations or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate.


The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available.



Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic.


Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective.


Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.


Hanko Hackberry Group. (n.d.). Fisheries industry. Retrieved from http://investinindia(dot)com/industry/fisheries/fisheries-industry

National Fisheries Development Board. (n.d.). About Indian fisheries. Retrieved from http://nfdb(dot)gov(dot)in/about-indian-fisheries.htm

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fishing Boat Manufacturer
Student’s Name
1 How they affect the decision-making process of the company
Company culture
An organization's culture includes the values, beliefs, and codes of behaviour that the employees and employer uphold. The company's culture determines the process that will use to make the decision and speed. Since it allows employees to participate in decision-making, it will take a long time because it becomes a lengthy process. However, despite taking a long time, they become more effective as they incorporate a wide range of ideas from different people.
Organizational structure
The company has a decentralized organizational structure. The top management delegates the decision-making responsibility to the middle and lower-level managers (Joseph,2019). They ensure decisions are made in a way that benefits the companies’ goals. The employee's morale is boosted as they feel they are part of the company, putting in their creative and innovative ideas to ensure the best decisions are made.
Strategic direction, including mission and vision statements
The company's strategic direction is the plans it makes to achieve its vision by fulfilling its goals. Its mission is fulfilling its customers’ needs in a manner that reciprocates growth to the company. Its vision is to be the most sustainable company. The employee-centred decision-making approach will achieve all this.
2 How a company's culture could affect its market entry strategy
For a successful market entry strategy, the company must consider the region's cultural influences that the product will be introduced. The Indian people will decide to use the new boat based on their cultural influences. Therefore, people need to learn bout the new culture rather than impose their culture.
3 Is the organizational structure an advantage or a disadvantage to the company?
The organizational structure of the company is an advantage. It has many advantages; to the employees, it empowers them as they have more independence and feels like part of the company (Joesph,2019). To top management helps relieve the burden; they focus on significant decisions and let their employees take care of the minor ones. It also helps the employees prepare for emergencies when the owners are away. Therefore, it gives room for expansion, and the newly opened units can operate as independent entities. The new entities can make decisions based on the specific needs of a particular region. Thus, the structure promotes efficient decision-making.
1 Describe the specific characteristics of the emerging market that affect the company’s products
Emerging markets are an economy that has considerable economic growth and has some characteristics of an economy that is developed. They are the countries that are moving from the developing to developed phase. Its principal characteristics are market volatility, growth and investment potential, high economic growth rates, and income per capita (Corporate finance Institute, 2021).
The market volatility comes from external price movements, political instability, and supply-demand shocks resulting from natural calamities. The investor can be exposed to fluctuations in market performance and exchange rates. This will have an adverse risk to the company. The other characteristic is the growth and investment ...
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