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Business Report: Team Performance Issues

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Team Performance Issues
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Team Performance Issues
In today's business world, it has become prevalent for organizations to form teams to help in accomplishing various goals. A team is a group of people with complementary skills working together to achieve specific goals (Kokemuller, 2018). An effective team is guided by their goals and the ability to work together. In this case, team members do not function independently. Instead, they must rely on each other for various factors such as information, input, and skills to effectively achieve the set goals. Teams should be stable for as long as they are functional for them to achieve the goals. Since teams have specific goals that they should achieve, they can make the decisions that empower them towards the goals.
It is vital to understand that teams are comprised of different people. In this case, team members could have differences that might cause conflicts that effectively prevent the team from functioning. Understanding the problems that are likely to affect a team is vital as it will help solve them early and work effectively towards achieving the set goals. Several issues could arise within a team. Below are some of these issues and how they can affect the performance of the team.+
1 Not sharing of information. Teams are meant to work together and achieve specific goals. In this case, everything done should be through teamwork. While working in a team, there is nothing like individual success. If the team fails, even the individuals that worked the hardest fail (Sandoff & Nilsson, 2016). In some cases, team members could decide to conceal some information. Knowledge is power, but it cannot be powerful if it is not shared in a team context. Teams comprise people with different skills, expertise, knowledge, and wisdom. For the benefit of the whole team, each member should share what they know for the entire team's progress
2 Lack of trust. For teams to succeed...
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