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Business Practice And Decisions Argumentative Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Business Practice Argumentative Essay
Purpose of Assignment
For this assignment, the student will create an argumentative essay explaining what makes a good business decision. This allows students to use critical thinking in their research to identify the importance of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.
Assignment Steps
Review the "Writing Argumentative Essays" section in Ch. 3 of Critical Thinking.
Write a 900-word argumentative essay on your approved business decision including the following:
Discuss why the business decision is good or not good for business.
Define the term "good" for the purpose of this situation.
Identify the premise and conclusion by placing a number in bold at the beginning of the sentence with the word premise or conclusion. For example: (1, Premise), (2, Premise), (1, Conclusion), (2, Conclusion).
Sentences labeled as "1, premise" are premises for the sentence labeled as "1, conclusion."
All premises should be labeled for each conclusion in the article. If a sentence is a conclusion and a premise for another conclusion, place two labels.
At the end of the paper, identify one example of how you used deductive reasoning and one example of how you used inductive reasoning.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Practice Argumentative Essay
Business Practice Argumentative Essay
Business decisions form part of the everyday activity of a company; these decisions determine the future of the company in term of its profitability and expansion processes. There are several examples of controversial business decisions made by its leaders that either have elevated the company or bring the company to its knees. One of the notable examples is the case of coca cola and investment decision made some of the renowned businesspersons. In 1885 when what we know as coca cola was being developed, Warren Buffett and Charles Munger as his partner decided to invest in the new beverage that would appeal to people of all ages but also generate high profits (Hirschey, 2016).
The beverage was to have a recognizable trade name and was to be packed in attractive colors that people would want to associate with the fun and its festive colors. They decided that red and white was the best colors. The beverage would be supplied in sports events, concerts, parks, and beaches where people usually had fun (Hirschey, 2016). It was to be a non–alcoholic drink to appeal to a wider audience; the coldness was to bring relief from the effects of the hot climate. The new drink was to be sweet but not bitter (Hirschey, 2016). The ingredients included sugar, caffeine, and stimulants that with the dark color with carbonation to have a fizz appurtenance and a wider appeal(Hirschey, 2016).
The fact that the main ingredient for the new beverage was water, and it had to be shipped this would increase the production cost. Therefore, the two partners decided to sell the main ingredients of the product like syrup to the local bottler to avoid investing in bottling plants including machinery and delivery trucks(Hirschey, 2016). When we analyze coca cola decision made by then in 1885, the two partners made careful decisions to ensure the that have an approximate 30 to 40 percent return on investment making coca cola become one of the famous soft drink all over the world, (Hirschey, 2016).
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The most important lessons from the above case study is having the ability to identify a good business. The case study presents four of the characteristics of a good business. The main characteristic of a good business leadership, good leader, have the several skills and maintain a positive attitude (Christensen, 201...
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