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Marketing Essay: Business Plan Report

Essay Instructions:

Hi, I have already written the idea in the document following. Please help me with the business description and the market parts. Thank you.

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Business Plan Report
Business Plan Report
Business Description
The business is a green and pet-friendly hotel that aims at serving both people and pets. It will be located in the outskirts of California to ensure customers enjoy a calm environment. Such an environment also gives space for other activities with extra-curricula activities. People who need a quiet and serene environment for meetings will take advantage of this hotel's environment (Ahmad, 2015). Many hotels have not considered taking care of both the client and their pets in this era where people are increasingly embracing pets. Additionally, industrialization has escalated pollution globally, raising concerns about the need to curb all pollution forms (Hill, 2020). This is why my business will use green products and environmentally friendly materials to help curb pollution.
While we do not discriminate against getting our services, our target audience will primarily be the youths up to the age of 60. Within this population, the youths are active and enjoy the company of pets while the older enjoy a serene and calm environment. The target customers define the range of interior and exterior decoration to fit the customers' demands (ERCAN, 2019). In so doing, I will use the government's call and policies to preserve the environment to my advantage to attract customers who want a pollution-free environment.
Such an idea needs more capital to start up and run. I will collaborate with one friend to set up a classy hotel where the customers' needs will be met with satisfaction. This will ensure that customers come back for our services while also acting as ambassadors of goodwill and inviting their friends ...
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