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Icon Discussion 14: Mobil Marketing & Social Media

Essay Instructions:

* Discuss how companies use Mobil Marketing and Social Media to engage consumers and create brand value.

Use examples

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 300 words, formatted and cited in proper APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

Must cite in-text!

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Mobile marketing allows the business to follow the trend of the widespread use of mobile devices. It appeals to mobile device users, where the consumers can customize their orders by making these personalized, location-,, and time-sensitive. Therefore, it provides businesses with the capability to deliver the products or services exactly when and where the consumers need these (Smutkupt et al., 2012).
Mobile marketing can also be linked to social media since the majority of people, regardless of age and gender, browse social media for an extended period. Therefore, many businesses incorporate their ads through social media. An excellent mobile social media policy amazes the customers using a captivating punchline, images, or headlines. Moreover, it shares visual media such as videos, animated films, or pictures and engages its users via their mobile applications (Smutkupt et al., 2012).
Mobile marketing in social media creates a brand value by strengthening its image via its online presence. Furthermore, it reinforces the brand’s reputation by making it stand out among its competitors. The ...
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