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Business Memo: Organizational Influence on Behavior

Essay Instructions:

This week’s resources provide a great deal of information regarding the impact that organizational systems have on unethical behavior. For example, researchers note that rivalry can often increase unethical behaviors (Kilduff et al., 2016). This week, you will explain how an organization’s culture (e.g., systems and practices) can unknowingly or unintentionally increase unethical behavior among employees.

Assume you have been tasked with researching these concepts for your organization’s management team, who are concerned about possible cases of unethical behavior stemming from organizational systems in place. Prepare a professional business memo to share with managers at the next team meeting. Be sure to include the following in your memo:

Explain the importance of organizational culture and codes of conduct in encouraging ethical behavior.

Assess three organizational policies or practices, as found in the readings and outside research, which can increase unethical behavior among employees.

Propose informal and formal system solutions to reduce unethical behavior in your organization. Explain the benefits of these system solutions, as well as possible implications for these solutions.

Support your memo with a minimum of three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 1-2 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your memo should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Memo
Business Memo
TO: Managers
FROM: Researcher
DATE: 10-09-2022
SUBJECT: Organizational Influence on Behavior
A specific company’s culture impacts the ethical judgment of stakeholders, shareholders, and workers. Firms that are always determined to devise a solid moral culture encourage ethical behavior among those involved, bringing in many benefits at the individual and organizational levels (Sapada et al., 2017). First and foremost, a better culture motivates individuals to speak and behave appropriately while incorporating integrity and honesty. Secondly, firms that demonstrate strong morals in their operations and interactions attract and retain clients, luring them to purchase more products or/and services. Clients will always become happy, confident, and satisfied when doing business with an ethical-driven company. Thirdly, good ethics and behavior attract investors and assure them with a piece of mind when they capitalize on morally upright businesses. Most importantly, they can rest assured that their capital and ultimate investments are secure. Also, share prices remain higher when good ethics exist. This offers ventures protection from takeovers. Moreover, such companies also maintain their employees in the long term. This decreases employee turnover chances.
Various organization-based policies or practices can promote unethical behavior amongst employees. The first organizational practice is bribery. In circumstances where organizational management allows an inducement in various forms like money, promotion, value, etc., to control a particular business decision or gain favor might encourage employees to be unethical. The second practice in the company setting that might increase workers’ unethical behavior is selling customer information. Some organizations might confirm the right to sell customer information in their terms and conditions. Despite mainly being legal where the information lacks identifiable data, this might encourage employees to access sensitive client information, which is unethical behavior. The third practice is mistreating workers. For example, an organization might create stressful conditions against employees’ rights. These might include but are not limited t...
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