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Arguments between Coworkers Hindering Effective Communication and Workplace Productivity

Essay Instructions:

It's a paper on idea how a problem can be fixed and write in letter form to the professor on what can be done to fix or better ways to go about it. I am attaching about 5 page with more information on the paper and examples. I would have to follow the check list and the examples. Also I am not sure if its APA or MLA for this research paper I don't think it says. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

This are some of my ideas that can be used.

Problem at Work

1) There isn’t enough time to finish inventorying all the parts in the warehouse. (maybe not use this one,(Revise for parallelism.)

2) Inaccurate count while inventorying parts.

3) The vehicle that is used to pick up high-priority parts is often out of fuel, and only a certified Fueler with a license can fill it up. (maybe not use this one,(Revise for parallelism.)

4) Constant arguments between coworkers.

5) Not enough career advancement opportunities.

Problem at Home

1) Constant arguments between sisters.

2) Not everyone picks up after themselves.

3) Not eating healthy, due to not having enough time.

4) There isn’t enough parking space in the driveway.

5) How can I get my family to help more around the house?

Problem with a Hobby or Interest

1) How can I keep working out without hurting my injured leg?

2) Not having the perfect form while lifting weights.

3) People not wiping down the equipment they’ve used.

4) The gym is full when I can go, and we must wait to use the machine.

5) Sweat getting in my eyes causes my eyes to hurt.


Assignment Sheet

Topic Paper

For this assignment you will need to turn in:

* a copy of your topic paper

* a copy of the checklist I am attaching

* a statement telling me you would like your paper returned by us mail (include your address in a way that can be easily affixed to an envelope to be returned to you)

by fax (include your fax number)

by stopping by and picking up your work

Topic Paper

In this paper, you discuss the topic for your proposal and give an idea of how you plan to research it. Make sure that you give detail and describe the problem thoroughly, complete with examples.

Also, tell how you plan to investigate the problem as thoroughly as possible. You may conduct interviews, conduct research in books and articles, or other use other means to learn more about the problem and to solve it.

The topic paper counts 50 points.

Considerations for the Assignment

Everyone's paper will be different depending on the topic, but everyone should break up the paper into different headings and use subheadings to further highlight parts of the paper. Also, use highlighting devices to make major and minor headings easy to find. Of course, the different levels of these highlighting devices should be parallel. For instance, the titles Problem/Background and Planned Methods for Research may be all capital letters, boldfaced, and the subheadings may be initial capital letters, boldfaced.

The assignment will count 50 points.

Make me the audience for your proposal, so try not to use jargon or any other terms that I or someone not in your field would not understand without your defining those terms. Write as clearly as possible.

As with all assignments, grammar, mechanics, punctuation, spelling, usage, and design will be part of the grade. Severe problems in these areas can fail the paper.


For this assignment I have included a checklist to help you edit and revise you topic paper. Understand that the checklist is not exhaustive; you'll need to watch our for other problems as well.

The idea is to go through the checklist and check off each item as you go through the parts of this assignment.

The checklist is worth 5 points.


Topic Paper

____ is on a subject that interests you

____ is something you can research

____ narrows or defines the topic in a manageable way


____ is written as a memo, following this format:

____ the name of the company

____ the address of the company

____ the date

____ To: followed by my name, title, and telephone extension

____ From: followed by your name, whatever title is appropriate, and

your initials (normally the initials are handwritten, but if you are

uploading your file, you can type them)

____ Subject: followed by a clear, specific statement about the focus of

your memo


____ includes the following two sections and headings

____ The Problem/Background

____ Planned Methods for Research

____ contains no dead wood or son of dead wood


answers the following questions

____ what is the problem?

____ what has led up to the problem?

____ why is the problem serious?

the current status of the problem, including

____ how does the problem stand now?

____ why must the problem be solved?

____ what will happen if the problem is not solved?

____ you include examples to illustrate the problem

Planned Methods for Research Section

____ tells how you plan to research the problem further and how you will go about finding a solution to it.

____ discusses what research methods will you use interviews, library research, other.

answers the following question

____ how do you plan to research how to solve the problem?

____ throughout the paper, you use subheadings to help your reader find information

You may also include other information that you believe is necessary.

If there is anything else that you would like for me to know about your paper, say it here.

Please understand that writing in this section, as in the section above, does not guarantee I will not count off for something. The benefit is that I will have a better understanding of what you are thinking.

Remember to use proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. These will count as part of the grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

September 12, 2022
To: Lecturer
From: Me
Subject: Problem with Constant Arguments between Coworkers hindering Effective Communication and Workplace Productivity
The Problem/Background
A common problem in organizations today includes arguments or disagreements between coworkers (Mair & Seelos, 2021). Employees can have conflicting ideas or different opinions that, in turn, cause arguments among themselves, and some might fight due to the arguments (Yolanda et al., 2021). Various reasons can increasingly stimulate the constant arguments between the workers. For example, the coworkers might be from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs on specific concepts. Also, misunderstandings can arouse constant arguments. The existence of regular arguments involving several workers is a severe issue that may lead to significant performance effects on the organization involved. Notably, arguing over issues is likely to reduce workers’ efforts.  
The problem involving arguments among the employees is an ongoing issue that constantly increases unless there is a considerable intervention to ...
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