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Unit VII Essay. SUBJECT: Business Memo concerning Sales Audit

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will plan to conduct an audit of a sales organization and hold a sales meeting to discuss your findings. Prepare one document that includes your 500-word business memo and the 350 -word script of what you will say at the sales meeting. Read the situations carefully so you know what to include in each part.

You have been selected as the new sales manager of Rapid Digital, a firm founded 20 years ago to provide digital repair services and equipment to other businesses. You are replacing the long-time sales manager (who retired) to bring fresh thinking to the sales organization and its 30 salespeople. The vice president of marketing has asked you to audit the sales organization and prepare a business memo of at least 500 words that describes, in detail, how you will conduct the audit. Be sure to explain the role of sales volume, cost, and profitability in your audit. How do these three evaluate the effectiveness of the sales organization? Also, be sure to discuss the concept of benchmarking and how it will be used in your audit to determine the effectiveness of the salesforce.

Your audit of the sales organization raises questions in your mind about the accuracy of the expense information submitted by salespeople and whether some reps may be stretching ethical boundaries to make sales. You decide to call a sales meeting to address your concerns. What will you say? Write a script of at least 350 words that explains the importance of submitting accurate expense reports and following ethical guidelines. Include some examples of ethical lapses.

You should not use a title page but should include references for any sources you use, including the course textbook. Please include at least two scholarly sources, including your textbook.

Must be under 20% plagiarized in Safe Assign.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
TO: Vice President of Marketing
FROM: Sales Manager
SUBJECT: Business Memo concerning Sales Audit
Receive many greetings from the sales department. I take this opportunity to thank you for giving me the chance to serve you in the capacity of sales manager Rapid Digital. I will strive my best to ensure the primarily goal of providing digital repair services and equipment to other businesses is achieved. One of the best ways to ascertain your business is going in the best direction is through carrying out an audit for your business (Geleznyakova, 2013). The sales audit will enable the organization to evaluate how the sales team is performing, and as a manager, I will be in a position to decide on what is needed to accomplish their goals — ensuring that all necessities are addressed in time to avoid.
For a successful sales audit, I will convene a meeting with the marketing team and sales teams. It's followed by an evaluation of all components that make the sales cycle and process (Maghriby, 2018). The discussion will help to know what is in place or what needs to be adjusted. Gaps in the sales cycle are identified, and the solution is proposed to correct the situation or meet the need. For the organization to reach its ultimate goal, Both the teams, i.e., marketing and sales need to work together to come up with the best solutions, especially given the two sides have a close relationship. It is always good for the sales or marketing teams to have kept all sales goals for the past year to help you in re-evaluation. Having the goals in mind serves as a benchmark for discussion. If your business is not performing well, then there is a need for change.
I will evaluate the different components, which include:
* Evaluate your sales process to identify the gap that is doing the business not to excel. If the current life cycle being used has gaps and does not care about the customer's interest then changing the process is good for the business.
* Reviewing the existing tools and assets that are essential in the digital repair business is crucial to the success of the company. Ensuring all tools needed to aid in repair and also providing all equipment required by the customers are of high quality original and durable. I will also make changes and integrate CRM that allows users to manage the website, better communication and also analysis efficiently — using this new system CRM it will constitute more business leading to high sales volume.
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