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Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Dilemma

Essay Instructions:

DF2 The Facebook Dilemma DUE @ 11:59PM on Thursday 4/11/19

Due: Apr 11, 2019 at 11:59 PM

Dear Comm 100/AMST 106,

This Discussion Forum is based upon the following:

WATCH BOTH EPISODES: The Facebook Dilemma, Pt. 1 & P. 2 on PBS Frontline

Frontline webpage : https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/

The Facebook Dilemma page: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/facebook-dilemma/

WATCH 60 Minutes segment. https://www(dot)cbsnews(dot)com/video/gdpr-the-law-that-lets-europeans-take-back-their-data-from-big-tech-companies-60-minutes/(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

3. READ New York Times Op-Eds:



4. READ GDPR. at: https://eugdpr(dot)org(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Look at this site.

Your thoughtful, well-written well developed posts should address these issues: data collection, ( your/our) privacy: Europe vs. USA, regulations: GDPR and possible federal regulations.

You are expected to write as you would for any formal assignment, use citations if you are quoting from a film, article. Refer to grading rubric for DF’s in Modules on Canvas.

You must post and reply to someone else in the course and must be well-written, detailed and substantial. Your reply has to be substantial and push the conversation further.

The DF closes automatically at 11:59pm on Thursday 4/11/19. No late entries!

Good Luck!


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Facebook Dilemma
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For quite a long time, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in talks for the inconsistent and non-reliable business model. The primary concern is that the social media giant does not provide security and safety to the users. There have had been reported of data being stolen every single day in one form or the other. As of now, millions of Facebook users have been impacted in terms of losing their reputation and money.
Another concern is that Facebook has no set way to prevent fake news articles from getting viral. It has been found that hundreds to thousands of posts are shared on this platform and that people have joined a significant number of communities or groups and have made a personal Facebook page on which fake stories are share...
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