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2 pages/≈550 words
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Business Meme: The Reflection of the Concept of Free Trade

Essay Instructions:

Your task this week is to choose your favorite course concept or term that we've covered thus far. You might choose a term that you find particularly interesting, something that you didn't know before, something that's a little unique...whatever you want. The only term you cannot choose for this exercise is "globalization." Anything else is fair game.

Once you've chosen your term or concept, I'd like you to create a meme that reflects the concept. Include your meme in your post. Then, briefly (in one paragraph) explain your meme. Why did you pick this term, what are you trying to convey in your meme. Be original and creative. You won't be able to see your classmates posts until you post so duplicate concepts will not be penalized. Your meme and explanation paragraph must be your original work.

Term: Free Trade

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Meme
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
October 7, 2020
I chose the term ‘Free Trade’ to create this meme. Free trade is generally defined as an economic model wherein the government imposes no tariffs on imports and exports. Accordingly, the reason why I chose this meme is that it reflects both the concept of free trade and provides a representation of h...
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