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Business Ethics to Ensure Productivity, Rights, and Profitability

Essay Instructions:

Address the following in a 3- to 4-page academic essay that demonstrates your critical-thinking skills. It should be written for an audience of employers who are looking to expand their business overseas where labor costs are less than in the U.S. As an ethics expert, you have been asked to address the following:
Should a company advocate for labor rights, a minimum wage, and unionization in developing countries where it has operations?
What right does a Western company have to insist that its foreign contractors observe in their factories the protocols required in the West?
What ethical responsibilities do individual consumers have when dealing with companies that rely on overseas labor?
Should businesses adopt universal workplace standards about working conditions and employee protections? Why or why not?
This assignment should include third-person voice. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings

Bring in your Module background information. Whether or not you bring in sources outside of this Module is up to you. For all sources used, provide in-text citations and a references list.
Byars, S., & Stanberry, K. (2018). Impact of culture and time on business ethics, chapter 5. Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from http://cnx(dot)org/content/col25722/1.3 p. 138. CC BY 4.0 license

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Business ethics
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In businesses, a lot goes into ensuring a successful launch of products and making significant profits. For most consumers, this is never a concern so long as you get the final product. Business ethics defines the policies and practices that a business should observe to promote integrity, human dignity and gain the trust of consumers and investors. When it comes to ethical practices in foreign countries, several concerns arise, which this essay will discuss. These include if a business should push for labor rights, a minimum pay, and unionization in developing nations it has operations? What rights a western company has over its foreign contractor to observe protocols necessary in the west. The ethical responsibilities of individual consumers towards companies utilizing oversees labor and whether businesses should implement universal workplace standards about working environment and protection of employees.
Should a company push for employment rights in developing countries where it is operating?
Yes, a corporation should push for labor laws in the third-world countries they are operating in out of moral obligation. The available labor standards such as protections from forced labor, low wages, working in unsafe environments, and having the freedom to join a union are fundamental in upholding human rights (Burtless, 2001, pp. 10). Thus, in exchange for access to the largest market countries, companies operating in countries such as the US, where labor standards are highly regarded, have an ethical mandate to expand the domain of human rights to all countries in the world.
Besides achieving success, a hallmark of any business organization is ensuring they observe honesty, integrity, and objectivity when doing business. Complying with the local and national regulations is paramount so is following international laws. Moreover, ethical conscience mandates companies to not only settle for the bare minimum in the guise of good faith (Byars, & Stanberry, 2018). Instead, they should take the organizational responsibility to try and bring about substantial change that insulates them from criticism and scandals that come with exploiting developing countries for profits. For instance, the chocolate scandal rocked the chocolate industry for paying cocoa farmers less than one dollar a day and using child laborers.
A company should advocate for employees’ labor rights in developing countries to achieve equality. The performance of a business is a reflection of its beliefs founded on its religious beliefs, education, communities, and families. According to Maria Artuso and Carolan McLarney (2015, pp. 2-3), developing countries likely have substandard working environments and merge wages. Hence, many international companies are ready to take advantage of these conditions to lower their production cost. Also, they enjoy an unfair advantage in the global market. Nevertheless, if a company pushes for the observance of international labor standards in all trade deals, the developing countries get to enjoy optimal protection like first-world countries. These standards will also level the playing field for all international companies, eliminating unfair advantage (Artuso & McLarney, 2015, pp. 3).
The rights a western company has to insist that its foreign contractors observe in their factories the protocols required in the west
A western corporation has the right to dictate how they conduct their operations. Foreign contractors, who are usually independent business owners, offer professional services to clients for a particular period; hence, they reflect the western company they are working for (Byars & Stanberry, 2018). Thus, since the company knows the purpose of their business, they are entitled to ensure international contractors carry out their mandate observing the same purpose.
A western company has the right to impose its mission on a foreign contractor. Organizations maintain a mission statement that ensures their success, creates wealth for their workers and the community and ensures all their employees are treated with the utmost respect. Since their work for the said company is geared toward achieving its mission statement, they are entitled to decide how they achieve it.
As company ...
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