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Business Ethics and Utilitaranism: Cultural Relativism

Essay Instructions:

2. The suggestions are just issues you might want to consider when answering the questions and points to help you consider the issues in the question. You DO NOT need to address all of the “suggested issues to consider” in your paper.

3. The paper should present your understanding and opinions of arguments and materials covered in THIS class. First sources should be the material assigned and are necessarily first sources. Second sources are not necessary and you will be graded not only on your understanding of the secondary source, but also its relevance to the issue at hand. Second sources are not acceptable on their own.

Materials we covered in this class mainly focuses on Business Ethics and Utilitaranism.

books are :

a. Basic Moral Philosophy Robert Holmes, 4th edition

b. Ethical Issues in Business, Donaldson & Werhane, eds., 7th edition.

4. Papers are to be 5 to 7 pages in length, typed or word processed, and double spaced. Number your pages!

5. All margins are to be 1 inch all around. All fonts used should be in 12 point type. Do not separate paragraphs with extra rows or returns. Microsoft Word defaults to 1.5 spacing between paragraphs, or more. Please correct that in your paper. Do not repeat or retype the question at the beginning of your paper. See the sample page attached for visual confirmation of the text format required.

Question to answer:

1) Some have argued that the diversity of cultural values across different societies should tell us something about the nature of morality, namely that the truth about moral principles and actions is "relative" in some sense. Is this view correct? Why?

Example and instruction:

This is sufficient indentation to begin your first paragraph. Notice as well that I started this paper 1 return from the top of page. Go ahead and put all the relevant name, title, etc on a title page that is separate from the body of your paper. Now suppose I am done with this very short paragraph.

See how I just hit enter /return, indented ½ an inch, and started typing again? There is no additional space between paragraphs. When the writer places extra spacing between paragraphs this is meant to signal a change in the topic under discussion, or a topical break. Again, make sure you check out the software you are using. I don't care much about the font, but I do want the paper typed in 12 point scale. This font is Times New Roman, but most anything will be accepted. And for goodness sake, please staple your answers together! One and only one staple is necessary if done correctly. Staplers are fairly easy to operate. Do not make an elaborate origami sculpture out of your paper in the upper left hand corner just because you didn't bring a stapler. I will probably be nice enough to bring my stapler along.

Let's assume I want to give an extended quote or list the premises of an argument:

"Whether a quote or a list of premises, notice how the page is double indented and starts over at the same point on the soft return. Also notice that the type face is reduced, and this part of the

paper is single spaced.

And here we are again back to normal. The purpose of all the above formatting at the quotation section is to reduce the size of the quotation to leave you more room to expound on the meaning of the quotation. Your words are more important than the quotations. And for love of all that is reasonable, please number your pages! Top of the page, bottom of the page, right, left or middle, I don't care where, but please do it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics and Utilitaranism
The cultural relativism perspective highlights that there is neither right nor wrong behavior, as this what constitutes right or wrong is relative and depends on culture. Diverse cultures have different standards on right or wrong, where the cultural norms, practices, and laws of a society influence the culture (Holmes, 2006). In other words, there is no universally acceptable behavior given that this depends on the culture. The maxim when in Rome do as the Romans do aptly captures the cultural relativist perspective. Supporters of this perspective argue that since the local habits, norms, rules and cultural practices differ, people ought to adapt if there are to network. However, what is socially and culturally acceptable in one culture may be considered illegal and against ethical standards in another culture or society. Moral principles are relative in some sense, but cultural differences influence behavior and attitudes.
Cultural relativism is associated with different beliefs, cultures and practices is one perspective of relativism, as people make ethical decisions based on their cultures. The second perspective is that people make decisions depending on the human nature, and morality is closely tied to the environment they live in (Holmes, 2006). The third perspective of relativism is ethical relativism where choosing what is morally right or wrong differs from person to person and culture to culture (Holmes, 2006). The idea of ethical relativism takes into account cultural diversities and the nature of human beings (Holmes, 2006).
The main argument in favor of ethical relativism is that there exists no single universal standard of ethical conduct that is accepted by all societies. However, this is simplistic as having universal standards does not necessary equate to ethical relativism being valid. In any case, using ethical relativism implies that there is no single standard to make moral judgments. Even if ethical relativism were true then there would be no morality as there is no acceptable moral foundation. In the context of multination decision making, managers have to reconcile various differences in countries where the organizations operate. Ethical imperialism where companies require workers in host countries to follow the practices of the home country are inadequate and inappropriate (Donaldson & Werhane, 2008).
The premise of relativity is that there is neutrality, but this also means that the perspective has no foundation of morality. Merely focusing on culturally or moral relativism as though there are no specific moral codes that are applicable in diverse cultures, means that people are willing to overlook the evil or immorality because of moral relativism.. Additionally, the notion that the society is free from values makes it difficult to judge whether an action is moral or immoral. In other words, relativists can hold ideas, but this is not binding as one does not have the basis to judge situations. Taking a position on whether a stance is right to wrong represents an absolute stance, while people are more likely to hold a moral relativist stance when making their own lifestyle choices, but then rely on moral absolutism when evaluating other people’s moral choices.
The idea of moral relativism also means that that dissidents or social reformers are judged more harshly for deviating from the behaviors and norms determined by the majority. The will of the majority then supersedes the personal choices and decisions when people support conventional relativism. What is right for individuals depends on their cultural background and the society around them. When one considers that reformers go against conventional wisdom and norms in a society, they seek to challenge the beliefs and culture of the majority. As such, moral choices are not relative, since the people would support unjust acts and practices if acceptable in the society.
The case of Civil Rights activists in the 1960’s calling for the end to racial discrimination, supporting the right to employment and schooling supported social changes in American society. To the relativists, giving preferential treatment Whites and discriminating against African Americans would be a moral obligation as this reflected the will of the majority. Relativism pre...
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