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Business Proposal On Consumers, Activists, And Scientists

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Dear writer.

My group want to write about the social problem which is food waste, and our idea is operating a farm and a cafe, which means we produce food and we consume by ourselves. If you have any questions, contact me anytime, thanks

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Business Proposal
Executive Summary
Food waste has turned out to be an issue that has seen a growing interest among consumers, activists, and scientists. Currently, individuals have started recognizing the significance of food waste including the economic, social, and environmental costs associated with this act. The elimination and understanding of food waste have, therefore, become the aim of our venture. In the current society, several chemical fertilizers exist in the market. However, several people are unaware of the harm and impact of the usage of these chemical fertilizers on the environment and human health. The use of chemical fertilizers causes pollution to the environment, with this perceived to degrade people's health through the breakdown of biological food chain systems over the long run.
1.1 Introduction
In as much as chemical fertilizers tentatively seem cheaper that the organic fertilizers and are readily available in the market, of essence is the fact that their harm to the environment and human life are inconsiderable. This is evident in the fact that these fertilizers are not eco-friendly. Thus they may help in nourishing plants for a given time and degrade the land. On the other hand, chemical fertilizers have some level of acidity since they are made from chemicals. This, therefore, means that an excessive use of these products may cause harm to microorganisms by affecting the soils PH value which adversely affects the growth of plants. When chemical fertilizers are applied, some are bound to find their way into the ground and carried into water sources such as rivers, streams, lakes, and the ocean. This, therefore, results in the contamination of water sources and aquatic life. However, it is essential to consider that the State of Alabama has been producing close to 50,000 tons of waste products, with 50% of these products acquired from food.
These waste products are mainly dumped in garbage bins with only a section of the landfills equipped with modern pollution control systems. This clearly means that most of the dumpsites are not properly managed and developed, thus results in pollution. Given this, out team seeks to set a business that will engage in the production of organic fertilizers through a process that entails the recycling of food wastes that are generated from the daily consumption of food. The primary idea behind this venture is to help in mitigating the harmfulness of toxic chemicals that impact human health systems with the aim of preserving the ecosystem from the usage of chemical fertilizers. Technically, the business will make use of food waste as the primary source of raw material for the production of organic fertilizers. The business will, therefore, turn food waste products into cash, with this anticipated to reduce materials cost of production.
1.2 The Description of the Business
The business venture aims at transforming food wastes collected from major eateries and restaurants into organic fertilizers. The organic fertilizers will considerably offer better living standards to the society as well as establish an environmentally friendly community that is 100% chemical free.
1.3 Strengths and Weaknesses of Capitalism in the Venture
In the United States of America, we remain the pioneer in the industry in embracing the green concept of recycling food waste materials with the aim of producing fertilizers for farm usage. In as much as there are other types of chemical fertilizers in the business market, the company’s product will be known for its friendliness to the environment as well as its economic costs that are effective to the public. Organic fertilizers are environmentally friendly fertilizers produced from food waste as the primary production ingredients. Given this, the business will indirectly help in decelerating the levels of food waste in the environment which lead to garbage dumps and pollutions. Since food waste is an ever growing problem aligned with the growing numbers of the world’s population, the company shall have an infinite resource available to manufacture such organic fertilizer.
1.4 Description of the Business
The name of our business is Eco Vest, a wholly organic product retailer that seeks to enter into recycling organic fertilizers. The “Eco Vest” originates from the word ecology and investment which clearly spells the entities objective aimed at transforming food waste products into organic fertilizers that are developed with the primary intent of reducing chemical decomposition in the environment towards a more sustainable and natural approach to production. The business will be based in Alabama during its inspectional stages since this region remains highly accessible and is near some of the largest waste disposal sites. The area is famous for several establishments such as restaurants, thus meaning the company will be in a position to obtain a lot of food waste products from these facilities. Besides this, the infrastructural development in this region m...
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