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Illinois Youth Service Non-Profit Organization Market Plan

Essay Instructions:

10 page essay, 5 powerpoint. See details below:
Prepare the paper using the following guidelines:
 A minimum of10 pages not to exceed 15, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font,
using APA standard
 Title page, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of
submission (Page 1)
-create a marketing plan for your nonprofit organization
- The written report should include the following components: Executive Summary,
Situation Analysis, Marketing Strategy (excluding Financials and Controls), and
Christian Worldview
 The report should include 3 biblical verses that build the foundation for Christian
Worldview for the nonprofit
 A reference page
PowerPoint Presentation
-The PowerPoint presentation should report on the subject headings of the written report
(Executive Summary, Situation Analysis, Marketing Strategy (excluding Financials and
Controls), and Christian Worldview
- Each PowerPoint should be illustrative describing the nonprofit
 Colors should be chosen based on the color wheel of branding and packaging and

explained within presentation

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Illinois Youth Service Non-Profit Organization Market PlanNameCourse NameCourse Number Date of Submission
Illinois Youth Service Non-Profit Organization Market Plan
1.0 Executive Summary
Illinois Youth Service Group is a nonprofit making organization that was established in November 2016 and the organization has been operational for a period of six months now. We are a non-profit making institution that is set out to empower the youths in America so that they can realize that they have a great role to play in the nation building exercise. Currently, our offices are located in Illinois, Chicago, but we also offer our services to other parts of North America. We have over 100 employees who are volunteers, and they are scattered in different parts of the United States as they carry out the responsibility of the organization.
Illinois Youth Service Group was able to open a youth training school in Illinois where the youth who are residents of the area would come and get trained on various skills. The skills gained would enable them to open up their minds to the business opportunities that exist around them and venture into those businesses. The organization also trained the youth on how to do technical jobs that would be a good source of income to them. We also run a talent academy where we identify and nurture the talents of the youth.
The main source of finance for the group comes from the board of directors, but we plan to secure funds from the Federal Government of the United States and also the willing donors. We also have plans of expanding the operations of the non-profit organization to other countries such as Canada so that Illinois Youth Service can reach a large number of the youths who are facing challenges in various parts of the world.
1.1 Market Goals
The main marketing goal of Illinois Youth Service Group is to join our hands with the government and the other stakeholders to make sure that we create an American Society that is crime free. As a way of achieving this goal, we intend to create a society where the youth are actively involved in economic building exercise in some ways. As a measure for achieving the main objective of Illinois Youth Service Group, we have set out other market goals that are below:
* To reduce the rate of crime in the United States by at least 20% in a year.
* To ensure that the youth are aware of the elective positions that are available for them and ensure a youth presentation of at least 30% in the government.
* To train and empower at least 70,000 youths so that they can be able to open and run their own businesses in an efficient manner to earn income.
* Make the youth to become aware of their skills and talents so that they can develop them and earn a livelihood in the future.
* To generate a minimum of approximately 0ne million US Dollars annually from the government and the donor agencies.
1.2 Mission Statement
The mission statement of Illinois Youth Group Service is guided by some values that we hold as a non-profit making organization.
* Commitment- We are committed to ensuring that we inspire the youths by giving them hope about the future and how they can use their skills to build their future.
* Responsibility- We will focus on empowering the youth so that they can become responsible members of the society in different ways and play a role in building the society.
* Possibilities- To open the eyes of the youth and encourage them that anything that they want to achieve is possible.
* Support- The youth can achieve their dreams if they find someone to hold their hand towards those opportunities. Illinois Youth Group Service will create such a caring environment for the youth.
1.3 Vision Statement
Create a crime-free American Society by making the young people play a big role in building the economy of the country.
1.4 Keys to Success
Illinois Youth Group Service will use the following keys as a method of achieving its success.
* Establishing a strong relationship between the group and the government.
* Launching some fundraising activities in various places in support of the group activities and objectives.
* Establishing an effective training program that will incorporate all the available skills to produce trained personnel who will perform their activities in the best way.
* Protecting the interests of the youth and communicating to them in a way that they can understand.
2.0 Situational Analysis
2.1 Environmental Analysis
There is a high rate of crime in the United States. According to the reports that have been released by the various organizations, most of the crimes that are committed are committed by the youth. Also, there is an increase in the number of juvenile gangs in Illinois. There are many reasons that have contributed to the rise in the number of Juvenile gangs in Illinois and Chicago CITATION Joe171 \l 1033 (Joe, 2017). One of the main factors that have contributed to the rise are the high unemployment rates. Idleness among the young people was also a factor that was observed to be contributing to the high unemployment rates.
Illinois Youth Service Group will come in as an organization that will seek to help the youth so that they can identify the business opportunities that exist and make use of them so that they can also earn income CITATION Biz15 \l 1033 (Bizfilings, 2015). We will also train the youth so that they acquire technical skills which will help them to do technical jobs.
As a non-profit organization, we recognize that each of us is gifted a talent and we will, therefore, help the young people to discover their talents. As a way of achieving the above measures, Illinois Youth Service has set aside a total sum of 30,000 US Dollars that will be used in organizing fundraising dinners and events in strategic places within the city in the first year of the Foundation of Illinois Youth Group Organization. Another part of the marketing budget that will be set aside will be used to handle logistics that relates to the pursue of funds from the donor agencies, guarantors, and the other government agencies. During the first year of our operations, we will make sure that we make 10%-20% of the annual income that will be generated according to our market budget.
2.2 Competitive Analysis
There are similar non-profit organizations that may be having the same objective as Illinois Youth Group Service. The issue of competition comes in when the organizations will be approaching similar organizations as we do so that they can also be funded. Illinois Youth Service Group is very aware of the challenge and that is the reason why the group will put keen interest in the exercise of selecting the board of directors for the organization.
Our charitable organization will select people who have a great influence and experience so that they can give us the necessary support that will help us to achieve our aims and objectives. It will give us a competitive advantage over our competitors.
2.3 Legal Issues
Illinois Youth Service Group will be registered and recognized by the state as a non-profit making institution. The main aim of forming the organization is to reach to the youth and help them in every possible way. The charitable group will, therefore, be exempted from the payment of tax and any other duties that are charged by the state CITATION Ban12 \l 1033 (Bankers, 2012). The Board of Directors for the group will also be drawn from the local community. The members will be responsible for ensuring that the organization sticks to its objectives and aims as set out during the time of registration to avoid revocation of the certificate of operation that will be issued to the organization.
3.0 Market Strategy Analysis
3.1 Overview of the Industry
Between September 2013 and September 2014, a total number of 62.8 million people volunteered to offer charitable services in various organizations to various non-profit making institutions in the United States. The rate of volunteers was observed to be 25.3%. The future of the charitable services in the US was predicted to rise by 4.8% in the year 2016 and also 4.9 in the year 2017. The donations that come from the individuals and households constitute the largest percentage of the donations since they make up to 70% of the total donations to charitable organizations.
3.2 ...
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