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Business and Marketing BUS 303 week 2 SLP

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the instructions on the attached document below Warning title pages and references pages are not considered pages to the university please make sure the paper is full. any inconsistencies or grammatical errors will result in automatic revisions.. Thanks


Assignment reading:

Business ethicists claim that the recent spate of business leaders, especially bankers, who have admitted to unethical behavior, is not surprising.  In fact, these experts explain that when rewards are high and risks are low, the brain often gives the green light to cheat. So how to stop unethical corporate cultures that arise from such a natural human response?

Mark Frame, a psychology professor at Middle Tennessee State University who specializes in workplace psychology, says to begin by communicating solid business values to stakeholders. "If you advertise that you are trying to be ethical, you're going to wind up hiring more ethical people. It's kind of that field of dreams thing: If you build it, they will come," he says.

But words must be followed by actions, so the next step is to thwart unethical behavior. Operating under the tacit rule that "it's okay as long as we're not caught" is insufficient. UC Berkeley professor Barry Staw says companies need to make their stance clear: When employees cross a legal line, they will lose their job and possibly be reported to authorities. Such a strategy invokes fear of punishment over reward for good behavior.

Making ethical choices may not be innate, but people can be taught why making moral choices is ultimately in their best interests, says Dave Mayer, a management professor at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business. He tells his students that the best way to test whether an action is ethical is to ask oneself: Is what I'm planning to do the right thing or is it simply in my own self interest? If the answer is the latter, it's probably not the best way to go.

Assignment Instructions: If you were in a corporate culture in which you witnessed cheating, what would you do? How can a business create a culture that encourages its workers to be ethical? Do you think ethics and morality begin at home?

1.  Now prepare to write your own 3 page persuasive and descriptive essays about the case study above and answer the three questions in the assignment instructions.

2.  Explain which guidelines you used in the essay.  Also be sure to include why your essay was ethical, using ideas from Cialdini’s article in your paper.

3.  Submit your assignments by the module's due date.

Assignment Expectations:

Write a persuasive essay (3 pages) using guidelines from Cialdini, Conger, and/or Bowman.

Explain which guidelines (about 200 words) you used in your memo and include why your memo was ethical.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Business and Marketing
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There is a general upward trend in unethical cases at the workplace. Psychologists argue that this is not a surprise owing to the very nature of human beings. The brain of a person is wired in such manner that low risk and high returns calls for irregularities. People are more often likely to engage themselves in behaviors that do not conform to the ethics if the risks involved are low. This discussion takes a look at ways of inculcating ethical corporate culture. The discussion will also focus on the roots of morality and ethics.
Corporate Culture
When confronted with a situation where cheating and dishonesty is rampant, there a number of steps that one can take. The first step is to familiarize oneself with the code of the ethics of the organization. Every organization has a code of conduct which spells out the accepted behavior at the workplace. Usually, the code of ethics further stipulates the actions to be followed whenever there unethical behavior in the organization. Therefore, when one realizes that there is unethical behavior, it is crucial to follow the guidelines provided under the code of ethics. The main reason as to why the code of ethics ought to be consulted is so as to ensure that due process is followed. It is, however, paramount to ensure that such information is shared with the right authorities (Flynn, 2008). If a person witnesses cases of cheating or dishonesty in the workplace and they do not report, they become accomplices in the unethical acts.
Consultation of the code of ethics will provide a proper guideline as to how report the issues of dishonesty and the appropriate action to be taken (Sims, 2012). It is also proper for management of organizations t encourage employees to report such matters whenever they arise. Such issues cannot be resolved unless employees can openly speak about them.
Creating an Ethical Culture
It is the responsibility of the management of every organization to inculcate an ethical culture among employees. When employees join a new organization, they are like a clean slate. Therefore, they tend to get into the culture that they find in an organization. One of the most effective ways in which managements of organization can encourage an ethical culture is through rewards and punishment. As aforementioned, people are likely to be unethical when they know that they have nothing to lose. People are also likely to be ethical when they know...
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