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Organizations' Building Blocks: Mission, Vision, and Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Application 1: Building Blocks
As was mentioned in the Course Introduction, there is variation from expert to expert with respect to labels for concepts and content within those labels, for the various components of an organization. These differences reflect the state of the art in the field of OPD and the fact that this field is far from a "unified science" which everyone buys into.
The Course Introduction goes on to state that:
There is widespread agreement among experts that the organization’s (or business unit’s) mission, vision, and key strategies are three critical "building blocks" of an organization because they define the organization and where it is going and provide direction for "getting there." However, there is significant variation in the way that different experts define and develop a mission statement and even how they characterize mission statements versus vision statements. And in a similar vein, there are significant differences in the way that experts refer to key strategies. Some call that concept the "overall strategy," while others name it "strategic planks," and still others refer to it as the "strategic plan." There are also differences in how various experts actually go about creating the organization’s strategy.
You will have the opportunity to observe and reflect on different definitions used by various experts during this week’s work.
To prepare for this assignment:
•Review the readings from the texts and articles that discuss organizations' building blocks: mission, vision, and strategies.
•Reflect on the similarities and difference between and among these building blocks.
•Locate an organization whose mission and vision statements and key strategy(ies) (which may be found in the organization’s strategic plan) all are available to you. Use the organization you’ve selected for your Final Project, if possible, or another of your choosing).
•Consider how each of this organization’s building blocks is similar and different, and analyze how well they portray this organization’s identity.
•Review the course media, "Building Blocks of the Organization" and reflect on the definitions and examples presented by Edie Goldberg and Soren Kaplan.
•Think about the function of each of these three building blocks for this organization.
The assignment: (1–2 pages)
•List the mission and vision statements for your selected organization, as well as its key strategy or summary of its key strategies.
•Compare these building blocks. Explain the similarities and differences between and among the blocks.
•Explain how well you think these statements portray the organization’s identity.
•Explain the function of each of these building blocks for the organization.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.
This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of the assigned resources for this week. To view this week's media resources, please use the streaming media player below.
•Course Text: Ferrell, O. C., Hirt, G., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business: A changing world (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Chapter 6, "The Nature of Management" (pp. 172-181)
•Course Text: Behavior in Organizations
Chapter 16, "Managing Organizational Change: Strategic Planning and Organizational Development"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Application-1 - Organizations’ Building Blocks: Mission, Vision, and Strategies
Organizations' Building Blocks: Mission, Vision, and Strategies
IKEA is an international organization that deals with home accessories and appliances as well as furniture that is used in people’s day to day lives. IKEA’s vision is founded on what the organization deals with. The vision of the organization is to create a better everyday life for its customers through constantly developing the skills of the professionals involved. The mission statement, which is a follow-up of the vision, is to develop the skills of every one of the IKEA employees in order for them to become professionals in their areas of specialty and still function at a low price.
The name IKEA was derived from the initials of the founder’s name and his initials, which is also a unique way of ensuring that the original vision and mission of the company are still upheld wherever the organization is set up. The key strategy of IKEA, based on its vision and mission is to develop professionals who will help in achieving the goals of the company which include satisfying the needs of the consumers and making their everyday life better.
The vision, mission, and strategy of IKEA have one similarity, and that is the mention of professional and development of their skills. The difference comes in how each is stated and what is done to each of the building blocks. The vision acts as a source of guidance and can also be defined as the goal of the organization (Hollensen, 2007). It describes who the company is and what their aim is. The mission, on the other hand, is a follow-up of the vision and it elaborates more on how the company can achieve its vision (Boddy, 2008). It can be described as a clear guiding principal or a set of direct and practical steps that the organization intends to take in order to achieve the company’s vision. The strategy, on the...
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