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The Analysis Of Theoretical Frame Work Of Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Select a book about leadership by a successful leader whom you believe has adopted leadership as a vocation. It can be a book by a well-known individual in the discipline of leadership or a leader in your own field, religion, sport, or another area of personal interest. Students are encouraged to select their book early in the course (at least before the end of Topic 2) to allow time for thoughtful reading and planning for this assignment.

In an analysis of 750-900 words, examine the theoretical framework, style, and leadership traits presented in the selected book. Discuss how this particular individual has adopted leadership as a vocation. As a leader, which qualities of this person would you seek to emulate in order to inspire followership? Which shortcomings of this leadership approach would you attempt to overcome? Be sure to cite examples from the book and integrate a minimum of four secondary sources on leadership theory to support your analysis.

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Analysis Of Theoretical Frame Work Of Leadership
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Analysis Of Theoretical Frame Work Of Leadership
The chosen book is ‘The Leadership Challenge’ that is written by Barry Posner and contributed to by James M. Kouzes (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). It was first published in 1987 by Wiley and Sons publications (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). It has focused on the business field in terms of leadership practices. Remarkably, the book has provided competent aspects of leadership styles and traits. Additionally, the authors have also explained the different ways individuals can use to overcome leadership challenges. Within a period of 25 years, the book has undergone various changes leading to some the loyal readers referring to the book as the ‘Leadership Bible’ (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). As a result, the book has been used globally in leadership conferences and other notable leadership development programs.
Theoretical framework
Notably, the book has engaged in different opinions that have come up due to the presence of case studies, case research, leadership models and other vital comments from elites in the same theoretical field. Moreover, the book has also been involved in research and the use of in-depth related references that have provided a wider comprehension of the subject.
The behavioral theory has been emphasized by the authors regarding the impact of personal traits on leadership skills (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). The hypothesis states that leaders characterized as charismatic have inborn leadership skills that can be perpetrated in different situations while overcoming upcoming challenges. The results have been based on leadership results from different researches in the business field on traits from various leaders. Importantly, there are common actions among successful leaders due to the taxonomy of actions in different situations (Flynn, 2008). In this theoretical framework, effective leadership and personal traits are directly associated with each other to come up with a proficient leader.
The contingency theory of leadership has also been highlighted by the authors (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). The thesis based on the notion that psychological profiles are not directly related to effective leadership. Consequently, leadership is based on situations. Leaders change their skills depending on the presented situation to provide competent results. The interaction between the presented situation and the leader's skills is the main aspect that explains the theory. According to the two authors, flexibility is the key principle in this theory due to the presence of new situations that may need different leadership skills. Subsequently, skillful leaders should be flexible to ensure that their skills match with any provided occurrence in the business environment.
Lastly, the full-range theory of leadership has also been emphasized in the book as a hypothesis and a solution to various situat...
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