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Brand Competitors and Promotional Strategies: Tiffany & Co and Cartier

Essay Instructions:

  1. Find two different brands from the same product or service category and contrast them against each other, in terms of explaining the core, actual and augmented product for both, and also list out ways that they try to differentiate themselves using branding/distinctive brand assets. Which do you feel has done a better job, and why? Share with me three of your own personal favourite examples of clever brand names, and why you like them

  2. From your own personal view/experience, show me three recent examples of products or services which you think will probably fail, and explain why, for each. Also show me two examples of re-branding and two examples of re-positioning, and explain what you think they were (are) trying to do (their objectives), for each. State whether you think they were successful or not for each, and why. Try to use recent examples from your own experience, not from a straight online search.

  3. Show three examples of different approaches to pricing (actual pricing, not discounts), and explain what you think they are trying to do (their objectives), for each. Any potential risk of upsetting consumers? Explain three reasons why price discounting should be avoided, and give two situations when it would make sense

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Marketing – Brand Competitors and Promotional Strategies
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Understanding the relationship between external circumstances and the internal dynamics of a company is essential for anyone. It allows him to appreciate better how the environment influences a product and adjust his strategies for its success. In this article, the author would like to discuss product differentiation, responses to change, and pricing strategies, among others. These issues are some of the most important ones to address for any organization to cope with the increasing change and competitiveness of the market. Overall, the author believes that it becomes easier to adapt and improve towards success by having in-depth knowledge about these circumstances affecting real-life organizations.
Real-Life Examples
One of the products that have been closely affected by changes in the environment and the market is jewelry products. Compared to other industries, jewelry pieces are considered "specialty products" because they have no other substitutes or alternatives in the market. However, even though this kind of product is unique, the market's change in demand and competitiveness influences them to reposition themselves, similar to Tiffany & Co. and Cartier's.
Tiffany & Co. and Cartier are some of the world's largest and most famous jewelry brands. On the one hand, since jewelry purchases (especially for high-end products) are driven mainly by emotion or necessity (i.e., wedding proposal), the value of jewelry is highly influenced by the brand names that sell them. There is little research on such purchases because diamonds and other precious metals usually look the same. In turn, people who purchase these jewelry also base their decision on these brand names, especially those who can purchase them themselves.
On the other hand, however, jewelry from both of these companies may differ in how their products are presented. For example, Tiffany's products are relatively minimalistic, sterling silver, while Cartier's pioneer platinum, gold, diamond embellishments. Both of their items are unquestionably luxurious and of high quality and price point.
However, because of the increasing competitiveness of the market, these products have to further differentiate themselves based on their branding strategy. Today, rather than merely relying on...
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