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Bornstein and Aggarwal App

Essay Instructions:

• 1) Considering similarities and differences, how would you further optimize the app to better appeal to Fashionistas? To Fashion Followers? Is it possible and/or desirable to try to satisfy both? If yes, how? If no, which segment would you prioritize? What would the brand positioning statement look like under your recommendation?(20 points)

• 2) Should Bornstein and Aggarwal invest in improving the algorithm’s performance before pouring money into paid media? Why or why not? (10 points)

• 3) What are the benefits† and risks† of each of the following monetization strategies? Which one(s) should Bornstein and Aggarwal pursue? Why? (20 points)

• † Mentioning the one most important benefit and the one most important risk is sufficient here. Do not list more than two benefits or risks for any one strategy. A table format might be helpful here.

• •Advertising on the app • •Brands partner-supported loyalty program

• •Influencer program • •Influencer program

• •White label platform for brands • •Lead generation for brands

• Please adhere to the following format:

• Length: Not to exceed 3 pages, double-spaced. Content that goes over the page limit will not be considered.

• Margins/Font/Spacing: 1” margins, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced.

• A cover page won’t count toward the page limit.

• The assignment should be uploaded to Canvas 
• Good Luck!

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Bornstein and Aggarwal App

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Question 1

I would prioritize the Fashion Followers segment over the Fashionistas. Based on the research, fashion Followers makeup about 80% of users (Nasser, 2023, Harvard Business School case), so focusing on their needs will have the biggest impact. They seek an easy, social shopping experience with curated selections and inspiration. I would enhance the recommendation algorithm to surface more relevant items over time to better appeal to them. I would also add social features like sharing YES Lists with friends and influencers. These additions would help THE YES better meet the Fashion Followers' desire for a leisurely, community-based shopping experience (Nasser, 2023, Harvard Business School case).

Trying to satisfy both segments may dilute the brand positioning. Fashionistas want an efficient, targeted experience, 

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