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Biology: Controlled Experiments Then and Now

Essay Instructions:
Read Scientific Inquiry, Controlled Experiments Then and Now, in Chapter 1 of your textbook. Start by observing the living species around you. Ever wonder why a pollinator is attracted to a particular flower, or what would happen to predator species if a particular prey species is eliminated? If you were a scientist, you could do an experiment to answer your question. For this assignment, choose two nonhuman species that interact with each other, such as bees and flowers, or predator and prey species, or two species that compete. Or, you can consider the effect of an environmental factor on living nonhuman organisms, such as the effects of light or sound on plants or animals, or how food preference, or nutrient quantity/quality affect plants or animals. These are just a few examples. Your observations may lead you to many other types of questions about living organisms, their interactions, and requirements for life. Start with an Introduction/Observation and move through the steps of the scientific method as outlined below. Your paper should follow this format. Remember, you don't have to actually do the experiment, just write what you would do to test your hypothesis. The experiment you create to test your hypothesis should contain a control and treatment group and be detailed enough that it could be reproducible by others. Observations/Introduction: Describe your observation. Include background information about your observations that you have found using references. List and cite references using APA format. Question: Ask a question about the observation that you have made. Hypothesis: Write a statement that describes your explanation for the observation and question. Prediction: What do you predict as outcomes (results) of this experiment? (An if-then statement) Controlled Experiment and Methods: Describe the experiment. Describe variables to be held constant. Note variable to be tested. List controls. Tells what data will be collected. Describe how only one variable is being tested at a time, while others are held constant. Results: Give the results (data) for the experiment. This will be created (imagined) by you because you are not actually doing this experiment. Conclusion/Discussion: Do you reject or accept the hypothesis based on the results? Discuss what this means in terms of the hypothesis, or need for additional experiments, or perhaps practical use of the results. List and cite references using APA format. Section headings should be used. Be sure to document your references using APA format. Objective: Categorize Organisms Describe the relationship between chemistry and the characteristics of living things. Explain the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration Identify plant and animal cell structure and functions Identify the relationship between reproduction, heredity and DNA. For the first IP, you may not do the following project: the effect of light(s) or water on plants. Anyone doing so will receive a zero on their assignment. I expect that you will produce a college-level experiment for this course, so please devote some serious effort to this exercise. :) NO WIKIPEDIA PLEASE
Essay Sample Content Preview:
There are certain conditions within species that are characteristic of organisms that develop in a location with one another. According to Kingdon (1989), “each species in the ecosystem has different roles to play”. The specialists have narrow niches and may be able to live in one habitat, tolerate a narrow range of climate and other environmental conditions. However, the generalists have broad niches, and they live in different places or habitats, they eat a variety of food and tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions (Stuart, C. and T. Stuart. 1995). This study is aimed at describing the ecology of two grazers; the blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus and black wildebeest Connochaetes gnou. These grazers fall within the family bovidae and are two species of the same genus (Connochaetes), (Estes, 1991).
In an ecosystem, niches overlap along a resource gradient and competition occurs causing a divergence in a population leading to more specialization and narrow niche breadth and width resulting into to less competition between the species. 
Comparing the feeding niches and tropic differences of the blue and black wildebeest. This will be done by the use of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the faces of the wild beasts and the dentine collagen on their teeth. Data was collected from the feces of the blue and black wildebeests. The control was a single herd of a black wildebeest compared to the behaviors between the two herds of the blue wildebeest ad black wildebeest.
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