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Benchmark - Change Initiative. Implementation, Evaluation & Sustainability: Change in the Marketing Department

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Change in the Marketing Department
Institution of Affiliation
Issues in Marketing Department
Marketing is a very critical department in any business. To effectively attain the intended goals of the business then the marketing department should be well stabilized and regulated to be focused on its objectives. The marketing department is faced with several challenges leading to it being inefficient in its work. One of the challenges is that the marketing team is made of inexperienced individuals and also it is understaffed CITATION Lae14 \l 1033 (Lael, 2014). Therefore, the accomplishment of their duties in time and even perfectly is a big challenge. The technicality of approaching the market problems is all based on the experience of the staff which in most cases they don't have. There has also been a problem of interpreting marketing report data. Therefore, they end up making poor decisions which might affect the business negatively. The marketing sector keeps evolving from day to day demanding the professionals in the sector to comply with the market demands and needs. Moreover, most of the marketing departments have a breakdown in the communication. The marketing department is not a gamble and should be done in a more professional way. From the above challenges it has been a very big problem in obtaining the goals of the marketing departments. These issues with the marketing department have led to lower output within the companies CITATION Eng07 \l 1033 (Engelman, 2007). From these then it is clear that if the issues are not resolved it could lead to the demise of the marketing department in many of the organizations. It thus calls for the revolution of the marketing sector.
Driving Forces
There are various factors which are causing this problem. The factors are either internal or external considering that they cause the above challenges within the marketing department. These factors include lack of strict supervision within the sector which leads the personnel within the sector to be less concerned with their work. Also, the personnel within the marketing department are not well educated due to the low number of institutions offering marketing courses and trainings. They lack some of the crucial knowledge to work effectively in the sector thus when they get such jobs they don't work to the expected standards. In this case, the individuals most affected are the managers of the marketing department as they are questionable for the failure of effective performance of the departments.
Stakeholders Initiative
The revolution for the marketing department calls for the department vetting. The main objective will be vetting the knowledge standards and review the performance status of different personnel in the department CITATION Bon13 \l 1033 (Bond, 2013). The vetting process shall include the CEO of the organization and all other members of the board. The unqualified and insufficient individual within the department they shall have to exit and then we shall enquire for new personnel who will also be vetted to make sure that they are qualified for the marketing vacancy. Therefore, the personnel who are not fit for the job will have to exit by the end of the vetting process.
The Model to Use
As a change leader am entitled to various responsibilities. To initiate change and achieve quality in the marketing department is the greatest objective for the change. The change curve theory developed by Elizabeth Ross will be effective in initiating the change in the marketing department. The theory has four steps which are very effective in the change accomplishment.. The four stages are status quo, disruption, acceptance and then commitment. These four steps will make sure the accomplishment of the change is effective and more organized. Through utilization of this model I will be able to initiate the needed change in the marketing department of the organization.
Change Agents
To effectively attain the changes in the department there are some of the important agents who need to be employed. First is the multigenerational influence. As change facilitator, one has to be effective in appreciating and living in the different generations within the workplace. Therefore, during the change, this i...
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