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Select an Organization: The Importance of Professional Training and Development

Essay Instructions:

Your organization has been chosen to present on professional development and training in the field of professional communications.
Using at least one source from a .gov or .edu and two sources from a scholarly journal, do the following:
Prepare a bulleted outline of the points you would address in the presentation
Add your bulleted outline at the end of the paper as an Appendix
Use the bulleted outline to write a 4 page paper.
Areas to address could include topics such as education, training, and personal/professional
Note: Your page count does not include either the title page, reference page or appendix. Use at least 5 but no more than 7 references with at least 2 references from a scholarly journal article 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Development
Institution of Affiliation
The importance of professional training and development.
Professional development is an essential factor in any sector. To facilitate quality of the output then the personnel working in an organization need to realize that training is a factor which facilitates achievement set for the organization and also makes it meet the required standards of the organization. To begin with the employees need to realize the importance of the professional development and the advantages which are attached to it. Then we can proceed from this perspective. We know that when one realizes the importance of an idea then accepting it and implementing it becomes easy. Educating the employees on the importance of professional development will develop their urge to realize and acquire professional development and participate in this forum. There are various reasons for professional training and development.
Professional development aids in addressing weaknesses of the employees. Most of the employees have different weaknesses with their workplace skills. Therefore, failure to address such incapacities leads to the arising of work problems. The best way to counter such challenges is through professional development to help conquer such incapacities. A training program aids in improving the skills each employee might have problems handling. As an employee, one needs to rely on such programs as they are of a great benefit to them. Therefore, solving them would mean that at a time one will not be considered unfit for the job due to lack of certain skills required in the job (Frost, 2014). The weak links of the employees who depend on other employees to accomplish their duties are reduced as there is no such dependency. Through the general training, the staff has the capability of different employees taking over different responsibilities within the organization. Individuals and groups can also work effectively with no supervision as they are oriented and well organized on what they are doing and can work independently. Therefore, employees should not refuse such training as they are very important both to them and to the organization.
Improved employee performance is also another importance realized from development for the professionals. Well, trained professionals can effectively work and deliver quality outputs. Better procedures for the tasks are well acquired and as employees will be able to put into place safety practices within the workplace (Miles, Odden, Fermanich, & Archibald, 2004). The training also boosts the confidence of the employees as they can realize that they are fully responsible in their tasks. Moreover, it also encourages creativity and innovation as the personnel can come up with new ideas that can help the organization. New ideas can also see the personnel being upgraded to the new level of work where they can be earn more benefits. As employees, one need to rely on their level of performance as it is what offers them a long lasting job. If they are trained and they are meeting the standards required by their employees, then it is more likely that they will continue working. Continuous training upgrades the employees to meet new demand and standards within the organization and the global revolutionary systems. Having such skills also helps the organization be on the safe side when it comes to competition with other similar organizations.
Moreover to attain consistency in work training and development is very crucial. Training and development programs also ensure that the employees are on track on what they were initially trained on (Lipman, 2013). The organization's basic policies and procedures heavily demand consistency to maintain it in progress and achievement of the set goals and objectives. To equip the employees with the demand and expectations of the organization then training and development of the employees is very significant. Changes within the organizations which interfere with the normal setup of ...
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