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Assessment: Ethic

Essay Instructions:

Assessment #3 - 3 reflective pieces (Graded) Purpose The capacity to reflect is an important element of professional life. It enhances the capacity to evaluate current knowledge and to understand and accept personal weaknesses and strengths. This assignment will enable you to: 1. develop critical reflection skills 2. recognise the value of critical reflection in professional life. Task Description The assignment requires the writing of three short reflective pieces. Each piece will reflect on a specific content within the course. The three pieces in total should not exceed 2000 words. Each piece requires you to bring together: 1. information from relevant readings 2. concepts from the relevant part of the course 3. personal experience Turn these over in your mind and reflect on the topic, and write in the first person about your considered view. The total word length for this assignment is 2000 words. You may choose to allocate approximately equal words to each of the three pieces. Specific information about the 3 reflective pieces You are required to write three separate reflective pieces for this assignment: The first reflective piece requires you to reflect on what ethics means to you as an individual. Information: One suggested reading is Cohen’s chapter on descriptive and prescriptive ethics from Course Information: BUSS1057 8 Semester 201401 Cohen, S. (2004). The nature of moral reasoning: International management ethics and values. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. You may, however, also choose to anchor your reflection in any of the other readings from the ethics section of the course. Way of making sense: Useful conceptual background is provided by the segment of the course which discusses ethics . Personal experience: This may be examples of situations of where you have acted with ethics and the consequences of that. Or, it might be a time when you have felt torn, when your personal ethics were challenged, or any other relevant experience . 2. The second reflective piece requires you to reflect on how social and environmental sustainability would (or would not) apply in your chosen profession. Information: The careers workbook might help you identify the profession that you seek to join. If you are already a member of a profession, the careers workbook might help you identify the values that are important for that profession. You can then reflect on whether these values encourage sustainability. A suggested reading is Sandhu, S. (2010). Shifting paradigms in corporate environmentalism: From poachers to gamekeepers. Business and Society Review, 115(3), 285-310. You may, however, also choose to anchor your reflection in any of the other readings from the sustainability section of the course. Way of making sense: Useful conceptual background might come from the segment of the course which discusses sustainability and from the being professional section. Personal experience: This may be experience you have had or experiences of other people in your profession who have made a meaningful contribution and displayed a commitment (or not) to sustainability. 3. The third reflective piece requires you to reflect on how cultural understanding might (or might not) help you develop as a professional in a globalised world. Information: A suggested reading is Rachel’s chapter on Challenges of cultural relativism from Rachels, J. (1993). Elements of moral philosophy. New York: McGraw Hill. You may, however, also choose to anchor your reflection in any of the other readings from the being professional section of the course. Way of making sense: Useful conceptual background might come from the segment of the course about being professional. Personal experience: This might be examples of people who have acted with or without cultural understanding and the consequences of that. Reflective writing records the writer’s thoughts about individual learning and experience. Whenever you use ideas from a source, reference them using the UniSA version of the Harvard Guide. Resources A number of resources are available to assist you with this assignment (see heading under Assignment 3 on course website) 2. Relevant elements of the textbook include (but are not limited to) chapters 3, 5, 7 and 9. 3. There will be exercises in class to assist students in understanding the concept of reflection and to provide an opportunity to practise reflective writing. This will occur before the first piece entry need be written. 5. The online resource ‘An introduction to reflective practice’ includes a section on reflective writing and is available on course website. Assessment criteria Extent to which the assignment contains reflective writing. Depth of reflection. Ability to convey reflection clearly in written English. p.s. MAKE SURE THAT IT JUST NEED TO GET A PASSING MARK

Essay Sample Content Preview:

According to my personal view, ethics means the fundamental aspects that help drawing the line between wrong and right. This means that, they define the way that I act with reference to the society setting and during those moments that I am alone. I have to uphold all things that relate to fairness, virtue and benefit to the society and not just what benefits me. Ethics brings about the standards that define my personality, such that I can be in a position to refrain from actions that relate to rape, theft, slander, murder assault and fraud. At the same time, I can be in a position to uphold all things that relate to the passion, honesty, virtues and loyalty among all things that are right. My idea of ethics does not relate to religious believes. This is because as much as most of the religions will cultivate their beliefs around ethical behaviour, some of them negate from the true aspect of being ethical. At the same time, one can be an atheist and still have more founded ethical behaviour than a person that is religious. At the same time, ethics does not relate to what is generally accepted in the society, considering that different societies have different believes and these beliefs can change relative to time and influence. It is also not possible to define ethics along the lines of the laws of the land, even though most of the laws are ideally related to helping people become more ethical and civilised. These laws can also change and what unethical today may turn out to be ethical tomorrow depending on the amendments effected on the constitution or other laws. Ideally, ethics is not defined by feeling of the person as they are subject to change at any time depending on the situation at hand, as such ethics to me simply mean fundamental standards that define right or wrong in my individuality.
The conceptual background for the personal definition of relates to moral philosophy. Ethics are supposed to be defended, systematized and recommended to build on the concept what is wrong and what is right in terms of human behaviour. According to philosopher today, ethics can be split into three groups including Metaethics, normative ethics and the applied ethics. The applied ethics relates to the controversial issues that take place in the society, such debates on whether one should abort, use of nuclear war heads, homosexuality, animal rights and infanticides among many others. The normative ethics, on the other hand, relate to the practical aspects of how we arrive at the regulated habits of right or wrong and the consequences of our action to others. The Metaethics relates to the origin of our ethical principles.
One day, I was on the subway on my way home from work. It had been on a Friday and there was too much work at the office such that I had not found time to take my lunch. As I sat on the seat, my body felt weak and the hunger was taking its toll on me. At a stop, a woman in her forties came on board and stood right next to me. She looked down at me and kindly asked me to offer her my space. She looked frail, but I was feeling really tired. As I debated in my mind whether I should give her my space since she was kind, she collapsed on the floor. I later learnt that she had cancer, and she did not have enough money to seek treatment after she was sacked from her job two years ago. This horrific incident brought me to the realisation that I did not have proper ethical principles and challenged me to change.
Different people have different views about the aspects surrounding sustainability. Sustainable development relates to the aspects of using resources in a manner that ensures the current generation is satisfied and the future generations are safe guarded against over exploitation of resources. This means that the current generation and the future generations have the benefits of being satisfied by the resources available by striking a balance. This means that humans and the environment can exist in productive harmony, in a manner that they can fulfil todays and future social and economic needs. As an IT consultant, both social and environmental apply to the profession. Ideally, a society that is socially sustainable should have opportunities that are equitable to all the members of that community. At the same time, the society should also promote connectedness between the members of that community. In the IT profession, there are several ways in which social sustainability can be ensured. Introduction of energy saving technologies is one of the many ways social sustainability can be linked with the IT profession. These technologies can be introduced in schools and communities that do not have s...
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