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Antitrust Policy - Should Big Tech Be Broken Up?

Essay Instructions:

Anti-Trust Policy - Should Big Tech be Broken up?

Due Nov 30 by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a file upload

After reading chapter 21 and conducting original research (minimum of five sources) discuss the evolution of anti-trust policy in the United States in both terms of statutes and interpretations. The paper should include at least the following main points:

What types of mergers/business combinations exist

What has been the general trend in market concentration the past 20 years?

How is market concentration measured?

What was the first major anti-trust law and what are some important cases in American history?

What is the consumer welfare standard for anti-trust?




Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Organization

Paper must be well organized with an introductory paragraph, several paragraphs that form the body of the paper, and a concluding/summarizing paragraph. Proper grammar and citations are used and a works cited page is completed.

20 to >18.0 pts

Superior Quality

Paper was well organized with minimal grammatical issues. A works cited page was present and citations were properly completed.

18 to >12.0 pts

Minor Issues

Organizational quality and grammar needs to be worked on or citations/works cited have minor issues to correct.

12 to >0 pts

Major Issues

Paper is severely lacking in organizational quality or citations/works cited is severely lacking.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Quality

This criterion addresses the quality of the information presented in the paper. All of the leading prompts in the assignment description should be discussed along with supporting research and citations to verify informational quality. Three additional resources are used.

30 to >27.0 pts

Superior quality

Paper has necessary supporting facts and citations to support claims made in the paper. All of the central themes are discussed at some point in the paper.

27 to >18.0 pts

Minor Issues

Paper is missing one or more main content areas or the information is poorly presented without substance. Minimum number of resources is not met.

18 to >0 pts

Major Issues

Paper fails to address the majority of topics set forth in the assignment description or the citations/supporting evidence doesn't align with the narrative.

30 pts

Total Points: 50

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Antitrust Policy - Should Big Tech Be Broken Up?
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Antitrust Policy - Should Big Tech Be Broken Up?
The antitrust policies in the United States can be traced back to the 19th century. The primary purpose of such laws and policies is to limit the power of specific industries or businesses from particular firms in the conquest of encouraging competition within the market. The basis of antitrust trust laws, especially in the United States, involves mergers and acquisitions that have limited power of controlling a particular market or formulation of monopolies. Mergers and acquisitions are standard methods that most big firms use to expand their operations. There are five different types of mergers and acquisitions in the business market. This essay explains the evolution of US antitrust policies in terms of statutes and interpretations.
Types of Mergers and Acquisitions
The first type of merger is a vertical merger which is common and done through a combination of two firms that offer similar products. Vertical mergers entail various supply chains in one conglomerate. The second is the horizontal mergers which differ from vertical in that they operate between two or more competitors. Technological companies leverage this kind of merger and acquisitions, making them dominant, and it applies to business markets with few competitors, therefore, encouraging horizontal mergers. Another type of merger is a conglomerate merger that occurs between organizations having different and unrelated business activities. The other merger is a market extension merger consisting of organizations that sell similar products but in a foreign market. The last type of merger is product extensions merger which involves two or more firms that operate with similar products and the same market or industry. An example of the product extensions merger is Broadcom, acquiring Mobilink Telecom to combine handset product designs with other wireless products (Freeman & Sykes, 2019). The antitrust policies in the business and technology industry have been operational and constantly evolving. Technology giants are aiming to acquire upcoming companies and dominate the market. An example is Amazon Corporation which wants to purchase Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Company (Freeman & Sykes, 2019). The United States regulations officers and antitrust advocates have noticed this trend and are particularly worried about Silicon Valley Giants like Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple (Abdela & Steinbaum, 2018).
General Trend in the Market
The big tech firms are amassing a lot of profits and have gained significant influence in the direction of the industry in the past 20 years. Although the American tech giants had been performing quite well, the advent of the coronavirus pandemic accelerated the dominance of these companies as isolated and bored people turned to smartphones and other technological equipment to kill the boredom. For example, in terms of stocks and shares, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, and Facebook have mainly been traded in S&P 500. During this period, the five big tech companies had over 37 percent stocks of the S&P 500, while the other companies in the S&P 500 had a 6% combined share capital. The other companies in the S&P 500 had a combined stock of 6% ...
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