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ETH 301: Accidents in Work Environments

Essay Instructions:

Answer these questions:

  • Who are the stakeholders when a worker falls and is injured?
  • Should companies take steps to prevent slips and trips, even though worker carelessness is typically at fault? Explain in terms of ethical norms and principles.
  • What is your evaluation of the EDS program described in the video?

Assignment Expectations

Write a 2 page paper, not including title page and reference page, to answer these questions.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page.

Proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Accidents in Work Environments
In all workplaces there is a possibility for an employee to encounter accidents once in a while. Surfaces like slippery floors and aisle are everywhere from offices to warehouses, factories and construction sites. Such accidents are attributed to carelessness and lack of safety precautions. Although some accidents might cause injuries not severe, they leave a painful experience to employees. According the British Energy Company, reducing accidents causing injuries is a concerted effort requiring everyone to be involved. Safety is everyone’s responsibility from a neighbor to co-workers, friends, companies and other relevant authorities. When a worker falls and sustains injuries, the question would be directed to the workplace safety employed by the organization. However, the stakeholders in such a case include the employer, the injured employee and any other involved parties mandated with the responsibility to ensure safety within the organization. Concerns would be directed towards other workers to mitigate further accidents causing injuries (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2014).
People tend to ignore safety yet it is important in any working environment. Not everyone believes in safety. Most people assume that they know what they are doing, and so they tend to neglect safety measures. Working in buildings can be dangerous; one can easily slip and fall. Self-employed workers are at a higher risk of suffering because nobody covers for their medical bills in case of any accident. Safety is usually ignored, but the risk might be too high, calling for the need to be more cautious. Accidents are unpredictable and occur very fast; however, people tend to forget the dangers. It is not worth taking the risk. Safety is a real issue in several organizations especially in the construction industries among others, calling for a lot of investment to be put on safety nets. Even though workers’ carelessness is typically at fault companies should take steps to prevent slips and trips as a show of their commitment to provide a conducive work environment (Business Case for Safety and Health, 2014). By implementing the Health and Safety at Work Act of 974, firms would be able to minimize the levels of workplace accidents causing injuries. The act requires that employers prioritize the safety of their employees and any other person affected by the work conducted by their firms.
Companies need to practice the bala...
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