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ETH 301: The Ethical Dilemma in Business

Essay Instructions:

Background information


Deontological Ethics

Deontological (deontos is Greek for duty) theories address the moral nature of the action itself. Here we assess the rights people have and what duties might go along with them without consideration given to consequences.

The most important deontologist is the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant is given more attention in the required background reading. Here we focus on a few of the most important elements of his philosophy.

  • For every right there is a reciprocal duty. If I have a right to life, then others have a duty not to kill me. The right to a fair wage implies a duty to earn it.
  • Rights have specific origins. Simply because an action is permissible does not mean that one has a right to do it. Walking down the street is a permissible activity. But one does not have the right to walk down any particular street. If a city closes a particular street to traffic for a legitimate objective then it can do so without violating anyone’s rights.

So what are the sources of rights?


Presentations: Ethical business: Reasoning from principles. Focus on the sections discussing deontological and consequentialist ethics.

Review also the Module 1 Background coverage of those topics.

In his article, "Introduction to Dataveillance and Information Privacy, and Definitions of Terms" (http://www(dot)rogerclarke(dot)com/DV/Intro.html) Roger Clarke goes over the background issues on information privacy.



Presentations: Ethical business: Reasoning from principles. Focus on the sections devoted to deontological ethics and stakeholder analysis.

Federwisch, A. (2006). Ethical issues in the financial services industry. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University (October). Retrieved March 31, 2014, fromhttp://www(dot)scu(dot)edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/financial-services.html

Financial Reporting Manual. (2014). U.S. Securities Exchange Commission Division of Corporate Finance. Retrieved May 16, 2014, athttp://www(dot)sec(dot)gov/divisions/corpfin/cffinancialreportingmanual.shtml

Sherman, F. (2014). Ethical issues among stakeholders in Google. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved May 29, 2014, at http://smallbusiness(dot)chron(dot)com/ethical-issues-among-stakeholders-google-30716.html


Module 5 – SLP Assignment


This Module 5 SLP assignment calls for a comprehensive ethical analysis of the issue you identified earlier and have been examining through Modules 1–4.

  1. Define the ethical dilemma associated with this issue.
  2. Identify at least two ethical principles to be observed in analyzing this problem.
  3. What alternative courses of action, including one or more that differ from the do vs. don't options posed in the dilemma, could narrow conflicts between principles or interests, ideally allowing a win-win solution to this problem?
  4. Evaluate each of these alternatives in turn according to the ethical principles chosen to apply to this problem. Be sure to include business or organizational interests in this task.
  5. What do you recommend as your preferred solution?
  6. Conclude with a brief justification for your recommendation.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Write a 2 page paper, not including cover page and reference page.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page.

Proofread your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

ETH 301 WK 4 SLP - The Ethical Dilemma in Business
The Ethical Dilemma in Business
In the business world, firms have the moral obligation to meet the expectations of all the primary stakeholders. Notably, customers, just as the investors and the government are equally important and should not be denied the opportunity to enjoy their rights as far as the conducts or operations of any business serving them are concerned (Federwisch, 2006). This essay illustrates the right people have and the duties that go along with these rights. The issue of corporate responsibility is critical to serving stakeholders’ expectations concerning an ethical business conduct, which is crucial for safeguarding the corporate image.
In business, making decisions matters a lot, as a business’s morality is based on the motive of the business (Sherman, 2014). Business leaders ought to make ethical decisions considering the impact it can cause to people like customers, employee and other stakeholders. Unethical decisions might harm stakeholders. Making moral choices in business means understanding the moral duties and the correct rules that exist (Federwisch, 2006). As presented in the case of Google, the company is in an ethical dilemma of whether to peruse the interests of the investors, which is to maximize profits, or rather pursue ethical business conduct that entails upholding corporate responsibility. The case portrays the phenomenon that is similar to other companies especially in the financial sectors, who are expected to conduct themselves in the best moral practices that safeguard the interests of stakeholders at the same time expected to be responsible.
In analyzing such problems, both deontological and consequentialist ethics can be applied. According to Immanuel Kant, he emphasizes the relationship of duty and human moral actions referred to as deontological ethics (Jeurissen & Rijst, 2007). Kant states that some actions are morally mandatory regardless of their consequences for humans. This would mean that if companies follow their moral duties, which include maximizing profits and adhering to the existing laws, they may end up not considering other activities that are morally right, but not stipulated by any rule or regulation. However, Consequentialism principles call for organizations to embrace the duties that would generate the maximum good to all stakeholders (Jeurissen & Rijst, 2007).
The best alternative courses of action for firms to take when in su...
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