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A causality of a new affirmative action plan at BB&T

Essay Instructions:
This is to be written as if I was writing it. It is about the need for management to become more diverse when selecting new branch managers and me being looked over for promotions because I am a white male. It is about my feelings, did they make the right move for diversity sake and not promoting the highest selling Relationship Banker, me. Is the company better off or should they promote the highest performers? Is diversity really valuable when most of the clients the bank serves are white upper middle class business owners from Charlotte NC?
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A CAUSALITY OF A NEW AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN AT BB&T Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of submission A causality of a new affirmative action plan at BB&T Maximizing of present value of long-term profits is the aim of firms in economic theory. Additionally firms should undertake what regards to social responsible activities because the concept of corporate social responsibility is used by firms as an instrument to achieve various social objectives. It is imperative for managers to make socially responsible decisions so as to reduce corporate social irresponsibility because there is a need to make responsible decisions. The pursuit of long term profits encourages firms to treat other parties and avoid misleading them. Customers have to understand the limitation of products on offer so as to retain a long-term relationship and to avoid dealing with disgruntled customers (Armstrong & Green, 2012). Customers seek products that satisfy their needs optimally and misleading them would result to them not buying the products in future. With respect to BB&T corp., a bank that serves its clients who are mostly white upper middle class business owners in charlotte has engaged in not valuing diversity in its promotion for new branch managers who are white rather than performers. BB&T bank is acting in a socially irresponsible behavior because it is discrimination based on race and sex. Principle of corporate social responsibility must hold firm in the distribution of benefits in all racial classifications. This is because moral principle bars the use of race as a means to terribly important objectives. An organization that practices corporate social responsibility has to choose a rule of justice that require positions to be awarded thro ugh competence. This is because the rule instantiates the principle of equal opportunity which in turn instantiates a broad right to equal consideration of interests (Fullinwider, 2011). This principle is a basic condition that makes an organization as rational and equally suited chooser. The rule of competence would seem to preclude filling position by reference to factors of race and gender which are unrelated to competence. “The rule for hiring the most competent was justified as part of a right to equal opportunity to succeed through socially productive effort, and on grounds of increased welfare for all members of society. Since it is justified in relation to a right to equal opportunity, and since the application of the rule may simply compound injustices when opportunities are unequal elsewhere in the system, the creation of more equal opportunities takes precedence when in conflict with the rule for awarding positions. Thus short-run violations of the rule are justified to create a more just distribution of benefits by applying the rule itself in future years” (Goldman, 1979). This racial preference is a device to neutralize unearned advantage by the white male given that the pervasiveness of racial discrimination does not reflect the great effort and ability of the white applicant to a position in the bank. This is a credential that reflects the mere luck of being born white. There could be white applicant who could have better qualifications but can not contend to the obstacles that are faced with non-white competitors (Fullinwider, 2011). The bank may perceive that reverse discrimination might do injustice to white people but its absence is an injustice to non-white people. This is a condition where individual enjoy unequal burdens and benefits, and the inequalities fall disproportionately on the different races and sexes. This is a disparity that results due to the fact that individuals differing in native abilities and social economic advantages, and the limited interaction with only some shared values, act with se...
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