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ETH 501 module 3 SLP: Identifying Scholarly Articles

Essay Instructions:



In the Module 3 SLP, we turn to information literacy: You will be exploring the resources and use of the TUI Library. Next, you will be learning how to evaluate the quality of your sources.

Required Reading:

First, please review the following list of websites. Sites such as those below (e.g., cheat sites, pay term paper sites) are prohibited from use in graduate-level papers.  Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list. Also, please note that Wikipedia.org is included on this list.
























www(dot)wikipedia(dot)org -- Specifically, Wikipedia should be avoided as graduate-level resource - Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed. Indeed, Wiki admits that its articles are not credible - see the following: http://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/About_Wikipedia#Reliability 

Please review the following articles relating to evaluation of sources:

Cornell University.  How to critically analyze information sources.  Retrieved March 31, 2011, from  http://olinuris(dot)library(dot)cornell(dot)edu/ref/research/skill26.htm

University of California Berkeley.  Critical evaluation of resources.  Retrieved March 31, 2011, fromhttp://www(dot)lib(dot)berkeley(dot)edu/instruct/guides/evaluation.html


Write a 2-3 page paper, in which you do the following:

Evaluate several journal articles and websites, and determine whether each source is scholarly or non-scholarly.  

Keys to the Assignment:

  • Locate the following articles in the TUI Library using ProQuest (or EBSCO if you cannot find in ProQuest).
  • Using the Cornell University website as a guide, perform a critical evaluation of each article or source, explaining why each of the articles or sources below is a scholarly or non-scholarly resource.
  • For each source below, give as many reasons as you can as to why the source is scholarly or non-scholarly. 
  • In your Reference section, properly cite each source using APA style.

1) Edmund F. Byrne - author of the May, 2002 article entitled "Business ethics: A helpful hybrid in search of integrity." Published in in the Journal of Business Ethics, Volume #37, Issue #2. Article is found on pages 121-133.

2) Published in September 24, 2011 issue of The Economist. Article entitled "Business: The view from the top, and bottom; Corporate culture." Pages 76-77.

3) Article authored by Jonathan Dee entitled a “A Toy Maker’s Conscience," and published in the New York Times Magazine. New York: Dec 23, 2007. p. 34 (6 pages).

4) Article entitled: “75 years of lessons learned: chief executive officer values and corporate social responsibility,” authored by Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly, and published in the Journal of Management History in 2009. Volume 15, and Issue 1. p. 78

5) Article entitled “Corporation communication, ethics, and operational identity: a case study of Benetton.” Was authored by Janet L. Borgerson, Jonathan E. Schroeder, Martin Escudero Magnusson, and Frank Magnusson. Found in a journal entitled "Business Ethics." Oxford: July, 2009. Volume #18, Issue #3; p. 209.

6) http://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Deontology#Kantianism

7) http://plato(dot)stanford(dot)edu/entries/utilitarianism-history/#JerBen

Assignment Expectations:

Your paper will be evaluated on the following:

  • Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)? 
  • Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject (i.e., the Keys to the Assignment) addressed?  
  • Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references? 
  • Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically (i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely)?
  • Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations? 
  • Organization - Is the paper well written?  Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work?  Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages? 
  • Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate?  Are the references from the background reading and assignment present and properly cited?  Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation? 
  • Application - Are the concepts of the module appropriately applied to the subject?

Tips and Suggestions:

  1. Your paper will be evaluated based on the rigor of your assessment of each of the above seven sources. Be sure that you give as many reasons as you can as to why each source is a scholarly source or a non-scholarly source. Do not give bullet points, but write formally (in full sentences).
  2. Be sure that you properly cite all of the above sources as end references (see the Purdue OWL site for proper APA referencing of websites).

Be sure to follow the guidelines in the Well-Written Paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Identifying Scholarly Articles
1. This is a scholarly source as it follows the formal format of; abstract, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion. Its author is also an expert and a professor in the field of study. The source also includes the word journal, which is related to scholarly material. There is also minimal advertising, and the site looks formal without flashy colors and graphics.
2. This is popular article considering that the language that used is very informal. The format also, does not follow any formal guidelines. The sources like most popular sites have very flashy graphics and several adverts. The author of the article is a reporter and this is not the original work but a report (Cornell University Library Guides, 2013).
3. This article is not scholarly as it is sourced from the local magazine and the author is simply reporting. There also adverts on the site contrary to the scholarly sources. The article does not follow the formal format, which is a requirement in the scholarly sources. The language used in the article is also informal.
4. The fact that the source of the article is a journal means that it is from a credible source. The author of the article is also an expert in the field from a recognized institution (University Library: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013). The source also has very limited adverts and a formal outline. The language used in the article is formal and the article also uses the formal format used in research papers.
5. The authors of the article are all experts in the field of the study, and thus they use the formal format of presenting research findings. The paper runs from the abstract to the results and conclusion, which is the recognized manner of representing research findings. As is the case with all the scholarly articles, this one is reporting the original work that was carried out by the researchers/authors. The site that is used to publish the article is also formal in that it does not have adverts which are common in the popular journals.
6. One of the aspects that any researcher should ...
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