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Oceanography current event report. Oceanography Current Event Report

Essay Instructions:

write a one-page (400 word) typed report on a recent current event in the ocean sciences. Enter text of write-up (minimum 400 words) AND a link to the article.


Articles chosen must be of a relatively scholarly nature, and from a magazine or newspaper from the past month or so. Suggested resources include (but are not limited to):

* Newspapers or weekly/monthly news magazines

* NY Times Science section, Scientific American

* Online science news sites: e.g., sciencenews.org, sciencedaily.com

* Scholarly journals like Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience


Each report should include a brief summary of the article, and then your thoughts or reflections on the article. The report must be well-written (proof-read), and incorporate what we've gone over in class. Length: minimum of 400 words.

Any copied text must be marked with quotations. Quotations cannot be longer than 8 consecutive words or 20 words total.


Reports MUST be submitted on GauchoSpace AND include a web link to the article

Each week's report must be submitted by 11:55 pm every Friday. (Limit 1 per week)


If you follow the guidelines above, you will receive credit for each report. (This will show up as 1 point in the GauchoSpace grade book, but it is equivalent to half a point added to your final course grade.)

Late or incomplete reports will not get any credit.


Although you may choose the same article as another student, if the words you submit are the same or very similar to someone else's neither of you will receive credit.This also means you cannot copy text from the article. Any copied text must be marked with quotations. Quotations cannot be longer than 8 consecutive words or 20 words total.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Oceanography Current Event Report
Institution Affiliation
Oceanography Current Event Report
The article authored by scholars from Bar-Ilan University is about how the existence of the most resilient coral reefs is endangered by climate change and extreme levels of nutrients in the seas (Bar-Ilan University, 2018). As indicated in the article, coral reefs found in the northern part of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba are the most resilient to acidification and climate change. However, the nutrients poured in seas from sewage, flash floods, and fish farms pose a serious threat to the existence of coral reefs.
To confirm their claims, scholars from Bar-Ilan University conducted a simulative study, imitating the conditions found in the northern part of Red Sea, with the aim of determining the impact the excess levels of nutrients could have on coral reefs (Bar-Ilan University, 2018). They used coral reefs with exact resilience as those found in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aqaba. Although the coral reefs were not affected by climatic change and acidification, increasing amount of nutrients and phosphate significantly reduced their thermal resistance, and physiological functions were negatively impacted. Moreover, high amount of nutrients were found to compromise the composition of microbial organisms living on the surface of coral reefs, making them more prone to diseases.
The scientists who conducted this study warn that rising levels of nutrients in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba endangers the life of coral reefs as a result of an imminent increase in levels of global warming (Bar-Ilan University, 2018). They say that governments of various countries must work together in a bid to minimize ocean pollution. Coral reefs play an immense role in the world economy, and they act as a tourist attraction in countries such as Jordan. Therefore, there is a need for governments, despite their polit...
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