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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Genetic Testing. Biological & Biomedical Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read chapter 3 of the book Biology Today:An Issues Approach, “Genetic Information can be used or Misused in Various Ways”, explain what genetic testing is and how it can be used. Also, express whether you against or with genetic testing. Your answer should be 1-3 pages maximum.

RESOURCES IN CHAPTER 3 IN THE BOOK Biology Today:An Issues Approach

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Genetic Testing
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is a medical test in which the genetic material, DNA, is tested for any form of differences or susceptibility to particular abnormalities and diseases (Genetics Home Reference, 2018). The tests can be done on adults as they can on babies or fetuses still in the womb. Although this are expensive tests, they provide insightful information about the condition of the cells at the genetic level. This means that diseases that are likely to develop in the future can be identified at this level. What is more astonishing about the procedure, is that, geneticists are able to establish if a child will have diseases or defects associated with certain alleles even when the child is at the fetal stage (Minkoff & Baker, 2004). This is exceptional application of genetic science and should be enhanced in the future to ensure that more people can have access to the same to avoid some of the chronic diseases that are inherited. For example, such tests when carried out on infants can establish if a child is at the risk of developing sickle cell anemia, Down, Klinefelter or even the Turner syndrome. With the last three even being established at the embryo levels (Minkoff & Baker, 2004). This means that, parents and patients are able to make informed choices even when they are planning to get a child or when they are already waiting for one.
Relative to the impacts that such information has on the patient, it is important that the patient is well informed of their choices and rights. It is important to note that, all of this information when established, has to be relayed to the patient for them to make informed choices (Minkoff & Baker, 2004). At the same time, it is crucial that the patie...
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