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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Microorganisms and Diseases Biological & Biomedical Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

I need a one page essay answer for each of these questions double spaced

1.Why is the study of bacteria important? Please list the important benefits of microorganisms.

2. Most medically useful antibiotics interfere with either peptidoglycan synthesis or ribosome function. Why would the cytoplasmic membrane be a poor target for antibacterial medications?

3. You are a microbiologist working for a pharmaceutical company and discover a new metabolite that can serve as a medication. You now must oversee its production. What are some factors you must consider if you need to grow 5,000-liter cultures of bacteria?

4. Just before winter break in early December, your roommate stocks the refrigerator with a gallon of milk, but both of you leave before opening it. When you return in January, the milk has soured. Your roommate is annoyed because the milk was pasteurized and thus should not have spoiled. (1) Explain why your roommate’s position is unreasonable? (2) Design an experiment to prove that microbes do not spontaneously generate in milk?

5. As we know, Dr. Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) was a famous scientist who made several very important discoveries in genetics, and she received a Nobel Prize for her discovery of transposons, popularly called “jumping genes”. If you were asked to nominate her for the Nobel Prize, please search the internet and literatures, then make a statement supporting your choice.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Microorganisms and Diseases
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1. Importance of Bacteria
Bacteria is all around us. They play important roles in the environment, including the water, terrestrial, and atmosphere. Most of their contribution to the ecosystem lies in their part of the global food web that makes the cycle of nutrients possible. Bacteria provide invisible structural support for all life on our planet. Although bacteria show many benefits, they are also the cause of many human diseases, so, studying bacteria is necessary to create better cures. Overall, the study of bacteria and other microorganisms promote human welfare and development. Their important benefits include (1) environmental benefits, (2) health benefits, (3) medicinal benefits, (4) food benefits, and (5) biotechnology benefits. In the environmental benefits, bacteria recycle natural wastes into a form that could easily be absorbed back to the food web. Bacteria can aid the plants in absorbing more nutrients from the soil. They are also involved in nitrogen fixation, which is necessary for the growth of plants (Flournoy, 2018). In the health benefits, some microorganisms are good for human health in protecting us from foreign materials and in boosting the immune system. There are also studies that microorganisms have the potential to protect humans against cancerous cells (May, 2012). In medicinal benefits, bacteria can be used to develop drugs and vaccines to combat human diseases. Most modern medicine in the market is developed using bacteria to prevent the spread of deadly diseases (Flournoy, 2018). In the food industry, most human food products are produced using bacteria. The most famous of which is the fermentation of yeast to produce bread, cheese, and beer (Adnan, 2010). Lastly, in biotechnology, humans developed human biochemicals using microorganisms, including insulin and hormones. Biotechnology also developed genetically modified organisms in plants using bacteria to increase production and profit (Adnan, 2010).
2. Antibiotics to target peptidoglycan or ribosome function
The most important aspect of developing antibiotics is making sure that it will specifically target the bacteria rather than other healthy cells and tissues in the body. In making antibiotics, pharmaceutical companies make sure that selective toxicity is possible. Selective toxicity is the way that a drug specifically kills or inhibits the growth of the microbes without harming the host's body (Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drugs, n.d.).
In gram-positive bacteria, their cell walls have a unique substance called the peptidoglycan. The peptidoglycan is a polymer that acts as the main structural support of the cell wall (Inhibiting Cell Wall Synthesis, 2020). Since animal cells do not have cell walls, the antibiotics can be engineered to only target those bacteria that have peptidoglycan cell walls. Additionally, if the peptidoglycan synthesis is disrupted, bacteria will lose its structure and will rupture from the osmotic difference in the human body (Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drugs, n.d.). One example of an antibiotic that targets the peptidoglycan is penicillin.
However, if the bacteria do not have a cell wall or gram-negative, the antibiotic developed should find other molecules to specifically target. In this case, the other option is the bacterial ribosome. The structure of the bacterial ribosome is unique to bacterial cells and are important in the synthesis of protein (Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drugs, n.d.). These antibiotics can easily target cytoplasmic ribosomes and impair their ability to create functional proteins.
Since all cells in the human body have a cytoplasmic membrane, antibiotic that targets the cytoplasm may accidentally harm healthy cells of the body than targeting the microbe. Therefore, the development of antibiotics should not targe the cytoplasmic membrane.
3. Factors for growing bacterial culture
Some factors that I need to grow 5,000 liters of bacteria include generation time, oxygen, temperature, environmental nutrients, and osmotic pressure. In generation time, I need to know the time it takes for a single bacterium generates two daughter cells under optimal conditions. It is important to know the generation time to properly estimate the raw materials needed in raising 5,000 liters of bacterial culture. Additionally, generation time can precisely measure the total time needed for the growth of bacteria.
In the oxygen requirement, I need to know whether the bacteria are anaerobic or aerobic to create the right set-up for the cultures, especially if they are anaerobic. An anaerobic bacterium requires more sophisticated equipment to produce 5,000 liters of bacterial culture.
In temperature, the warmness and coldness of the environment can affect the growth of bacteria. I need to make sure th...
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