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Microbiology Mini-Review Paper

Essay Instructions:

Your papers must be typed and double-spaced.

Questions 1 and 2:

Please read textbook or other literatures to write a mini-review paper (at least one page for each question) to address below questions. When you cite literature in your paper, please put the cited reference into your paper.

1. The development of primary and secondary immune responses to an antigen differs significantly. The primary response may take a week or more to develop fully and establish memory. The secondary response is rapid and relies on the activation of clones of memory cells. Would it not be better if clones of reactive cells were maintained regardless of prior exposure? In this way, the body could always respond rapidly to any antigen exposure. Would there be any disadvantages to this approach? Why?

2. Jack and Jill were badly burned in an accident at the well and both were taken to the burn unit of the local hospital. The burns covered only a small area of skin so grafts were prepared for both patients from the skin of Jack’s thigh. Jack’s graft was successful and his burn healed completely. Jill, however, rejected the grafted skin. Explain the immune responses of both patients to these grafts. What treatments could have helped Jill to avoid rejection of her graft?

Questions 3 and 4:

Please read textbook or other literatures to write a mini-review paper (at least two pages for each question) to address below questions. When you cite literature in your paper, please put the cited reference into your paper.

3. The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation. Please search the information from internet or literature and write a summary for each scientist’s major discovery for them to receive the Nobel Prize on medicine in 2018. How did their discovery contribute to cancer treatment?

4. What is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? How does COVID-19 spread and how can we prevent COVID-19? Please design both molecular and immunological approaches to detect COVID-19.

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Microbiology Mini-Review Paper
Question 1
The primary immune response occurs when the immune system first encounters an antigen, while the subsequent reactions are called the secondary immune response. There are significant differences between the immune response development of the two.
Aside from the difference between the occurrence of the immune response, other distinct characteristics of each one can be seen with the strength of the response, lag phase, number of antibodies, peak of antibody, and affinity of the antibody. The secondary immune response is described to be stronger than the primary immune response. The lag phase of the secondary immune response is also shorter at about 1 to 4 days, while the primary immune response usually takes up to 4 to 7 days. The secondary immune response also produces more antibodies, up to 1000 times more in comparison to the primary immune response, with its antibody level at its peak at 3 to 5 days considerably faster than the primary immune response with its antibody level reaching its peak in 7 to 10 days. The secondary immune response also has a higher affinity to its antigens in comparison to the primary immune response (Vaillant & Jan, 2019).
When clones of reactive cells are maintained in the body to induce a secondary immune response with the above-mentioned characteristics even when the immune system was not previously exposed to a certain antigen, the approach will also have disadvantageous effects. The body requires abundant resources in order to maintain a wide variety of clones assigned to respond to different antigens that the body might get exposed to. The demands on the body to produce a large number of cells may take a serious toll on the body and is an inefficient immune response approach.
Question 2
The case is about the response of patients Jack and Jill to the burn wound treatment given to them. The affected areas caused by the burn accident were both described to be small and were treated by using skin grafts from Jack’s thighs, but the patients exhibited different responses from the treatment.
The treatment that Jack received is also called an autograft wherein the skin that is placed on the burn wound site is from the person himself. This means that the skin that was grafted is genetically identical to the recipient’s body. The case is different for Jill because the skin graft that was placed on her burn wound is from Jack and this is considered as an allograft. This means that the skin graft and the recipient’s body are not genetically identical. When tissue is transplanted from person to person, the immune system of the recipient may see it as a foreign body and reject the donor tissue, resulting in an unsuccessful healing process (Nester, et al., 2016).
The success of a tissue transplant depends on HLA or the human lymphocyte antigen of both the recipient and the donor. The HLA match should be at least 75% for the skin graft to be accepted by the recipient’s body. Jack did not have any issues with the skin grafting because the skin was from his own body, taken from his thigh so he did not develop an immune reaction and the healing was good. However, Jill experienced graft rejection because of the mismatch in the HLA. A treatment option that would have helped Jill’s immune system accept the skin graft on the burn wound area is through immunosuppressant medication such as cyclosporine to allow the new transplant to function and heal normally. Another option for successful skin grafting is for Jill to use autograft from her own body to ensure an HLA match (Zhou, et al., 2013).
Question 3
Cancer is a disease that is caused by the uncontrollable division of abnormal cells in the body, which eventually spreads to other adjacent parts or organs. Many treatment approaches are used to fight this disease, the standard approach mostly involves surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but one of the recent discoveries in cancer therapy is the inhibition of negative immune regulation.
In 2018, James P. Allison and Tasuko Hanjo were both awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine because of their discoveries in cancer therapy changing how the immune system can be used to fight against cancer effectively. They are the proponents of the inhibition of negative immune regulation as part of the therapy for cancer patients.
Cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation promotes the efficient and effective attack of the body’s immune system against foreign microorganisms or cancer cells, while also preventing too much activation of the immune response which may lead to the immune system attacking its healthy cells. This discovery addresses the challenges that previous treatment protocols face, which is the treatment affecting even the healthy cells of the patient, further contributing to the deterioration of the patient’s immune system and general health.
Tumors have a way of disguising itself to avoid detection from the immune system. The disguise had facilitated the growth and further worsening of the patient’s condition due to the period that it is undetected. This mechanism of tumors or cancer cells in switching off or manipulating the immune system had become a puzzle to many researchers and scientists that aim to understand and find a cure for the disease.
James P. Allison focused on a protein that serves as a stopper or brake on a person’s immune system. This is CTLA-4. He conceptualized an antibody that functions to block the CTLA-4, resulting in releasing the brakes on the immune system caused by cancer cells. By doing so, the T ...
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