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Microorganisms and Diseases

Essay Instructions:

I need a one page write a mini-review answer for each of these questions double spaced.

1. The development of primary and secondary immune responses to an antigen differs

significantly. The primary response may take a week or more to develop fully and

establish memory. The secondary response is rapid and relies on the activation of clones

of memory cells. Would it not be better if clones of reactive cells were maintained

regardless of prior exposure? In this way, the body could always respond rapidly to any

antigen exposure. Would there be any disadvantages to this approach? Why?

2. Jack and Jill were badly burned in an accident at the well and both were taken to the burn

unit of the local hospital. The burns covered only a small area of skin so grafts were

prepared for both patients from the skin of Jack’s thigh. Jack’s graft was successful and

his burn healed completely. Jill, however, rejected the grafted skin. Explain the immune

responses of both patients to these grafts. What treatments could have helped Jill to avoid

rejection of her graft?

3. The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to James P. Allison and

Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune

regulation. Please search the information from internet or literature and write a summary

for each scientist’s major discovery for them to receive the Nobel Prize on medicine in

2018. How did their discovery contribute to cancer treatment?

4. What is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? How does COVID-19 spread and how

can we prevent COVID-19? Please design both molecular and immunological approaches

to detect COVID-19.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Microorganisms and Diseases
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November 21, 2020
Immune responses against the different antigens is perhaps one of the most important defense mechanisms within our body. This is because of the fact that such foreign organisms could cause a lot of danger for the individual’s body if it spreads throughout or affects the homeostasis of other organs. However, since the immune system’s primary response may take a week or two to develop whereas secondary response is much faster there is a lingering concern about whether clones of reactive cells could be maintained regardless of prior exposure to take advantage of this quick response. Although this is feasible, increasing the variety of clones of reactive cells has more risks compared to benefits.
It must be noted that maintaining such number of clones is not feasible for the body. Each cell (including immune cells) takes up a lot energy and using all of them to prevent almost all types of sickness would increase the number of cells that demand resources. This goes the same for their creation, operation, and termination (or disposal). This means that the body would always be exhausted since it has to provide significantly higher amount of energy for these new cells. In turn, this could lead to more serious complications in the future. Nonetheless, one effective way to strengthen the body’s immune system against a variety of illnesses is balancing between its own response time against antigens and the amount of resources that it dedicates for such process. One good example of this is maintaining clones to make sure that it increases the response time without needing too much resources.
Organ transplants are one of the greatest innovations in the medical field that has saved countless of lives. It is through this procedure that patients who are in dire need of organs are able to survive through the donation of another. Despite this, however, organ transplants also have a high mortality rate especially when done incorrectly. This goes the same for skin if the damage is too extensive the factors surrounding the transplantation is not carefully thought about.
In the case at hand, it could be seen that Jill rejected the graft that was made from Jack’s skin. Although there are a lot of factors that could cause this, one with the highest probability is the mismatch between the Human Lymphocyte Antigen (HLA) haplotypes between them. Technically, the match should at least be 75% since it is rare that two persons have the same exact match for the HLA haplotype. Since there is a mismatch (or high difference) between their HLA haplotypes, Jill’s graft caused what an immune reaction that is commonly known as “transplant rejection”. Particularly, it is possible that this is an allograft (different genes), which is the reason for the difference in HLA. Otherwise, it should have been an autograft and Jill’s Major Histocompatibility Molecules (MHC) shouldn’t have reacted and caused the rejection.
Nonetheless, one of the ways to resolv...
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