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Functionalization of Hydroanthraquionones Using Diel-Alders Approach

Essay Instructions:

Topic Duels-Alder Reaction

Written Report Guidelines

The paper should demonstrate your understanding of the chosen topic and should be well organized. Your paper should contain the following parts.
1. Title: The title must be short and relevant. A copy of the title page is given at the end of this syllabus. It should contain no other information.
2. Abstract: The abstract must first state the purpose of the research or experiment and briefly state the results. Then briefly describe the experimental method if applicable.
3. Main Body: Main body should start with an Introduction where you will provide the reason for choosing the topic, what chemistry principles are in play, and what you set out to learn. Then it should state the Outcomes where you will provide your findings that could include data, tables, graphs, and diagrams. If appropriate, include your data and results.
4. Conclusion where the main results of the research must be summarized.
5. Write a self-reflection essay describing your personal feelings about your topic.
6. References section using the APA citation format. At least two of the references cited should be non-internet resources.

Length of the Paper:
The length of the paper should be between 4-5 pages for CHEM-101, double spaced with 12-point font. The length requirement for the paper does not include title page, self-reflection, references, figures, and tables.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Functionalization of Hydroanthraquionones Using Diel-Alders Approach
Diel-Alder (DA) reaction involves the reaction of a diene with a mono-ene resulting in the formation of cyclohexene derivative. The DA reaction plays a central in the construction of organic intermediates with the advantage of having a total atom efficiency with no by-products. One of the most common DA processes is [4+2] cycloaddition that is vastly applied in industries to manufacture complex organic derivatives. . In this study, a reliable and efficient synthetic procedure for developing diverse hydro anthraquinones is proposed. The study suggests the use of the Diels-Alder reaction in building hydro anthraquinones from its simple precursors. The study uses a two-step route technique. The process involves using dimethoxy naphthalene to synthesize highly activated dienophiles that can be utilized in [4+2] cycloaddition. The reaction is conducted using standard Schlenk Techniques under argon atmosphere by using flame-dried glassware. The study established that The DA reactions enabled the direct access of highly functionalized derivatives anthraquinone. The process involved the substitution of 2-substituted 14-naphthoquinone with other dienes in cycloaddition.
Key Words: Diel-Alder reaction, cycloaddition, hydro anthraquinones
Functionalization of Hydroanthraquionones Using Diel-Alders Approach
Fungi produce secondary metabolites with a substantial content of anthraquinone compounds. The anthraquinone compounds have a vast range of physiological activities, such as antimicrobial and anti-cancer properties. Further, the compounds exhibit chromatic elements that can be used in the manufacturing of dyes. Indeed, hydro anthraquinones have been reported to have cytotoxic and anti-bacterial properties. Some mycotoxins, such as beticolins, are natural sources of hydro anthraquinones moieties. Usually, the moieties are connected to a chlorinated tetra-hydroxanthone through a nonane ring system called bicyclo [3.2.2] ring (Wilborn et al., 2019). The natural compound has various physiological properties, such as antiproliferative effects on carcinogenic properties due to their ability to form ion channels. However, limited studies have been conducted on the synthetic approaches of hydro anthraquinones products. In this study, a reliable and efficient synthetic procedure for developing diverse hydro anthraquinones is proposed. The study suggests the use of the Diels-Alder reaction in building hydro anthraquinones from its simple precursors.
Diel-Alder (DA) reaction involves the reaction of a diene with a mono-ene resulting in the formation of cyclohexene derivative. The DA reaction plays a central in the construction of organic intermediates with the advantage of having a total atom efficiency with no by-products (Hammoudan, 2020). One of the most common DA processes is [4+2] cycloaddition that is vastly applied in industries to manufacture complex organic derivatives. Dienophiles such as Quinones were the first examples examined by Diels and Alder (Farshchi et al., 2021). They are highly reactive and synthetically useful materials in pericyclic reactions. Thus, they are helpful dienophiles for application in the total synthesis of new products. The DA process can be harnessed in the cycloaddition of activated naphthoquinones to form hydro anthraquinones, which are crucial building blocks for pharmaceutical products. Accordingly, the choice of DA experiment is informed by the need to develop pharmaceutical products for countering morbidities such as cancer.
Experimental Procedure
The study uses a two-step route technique. The process involves using dimethoxy naphthalene to synthesize highly activated dienophiles that can be utilized in [4+2] cycloaddition. The reaction is conducted using standard Schlenk Techniques under argon atmosphere by using flame-dried glassware. The H NMR spectra are then recorded using a Bruker Avance (300 MHz) solution at room temperature and pressure (Beck et al. 202). Afterward, the chemical shifts produced are recorded in parts per million (pp). Tetramthylsilane (TMS) produced downfield will be referenced using CHCl3 as an internal standard for the experiment. Hertz (Hz) values express absolute, J, and all coupling constants (Beck et al. 2020). The results for C NMR are recorded using Bruker DRX 500 spectrometer.
Further, the Finnigan MAT 95 instruments measure analytical data using the Fast Atom Bombardment (AFB) technique. The matrix used for the AFB methods is three nitro-benzyl alcohol (3 NBA). Besides, the electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) results were recorded using a mass Orbitrap mass spectrometer. The spectrometer is equipped with a HESI II probe for recording high resolutions. Additionally, ALPHA T instruments record infrared spectra laced with Bruker solvents of per analysis (p.a) quality. The procedure analyzed anthraquinones 5b-c and quinones 4b-c present in ortho beticolins being investigated in the study and ...
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