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Basic Techniques used in Manipulating Genetic Material

Essay Instructions:

[Taken from your textbook] Did you eat cereal for breakfast or tomatoes in your dinner salad? Do you know someone who has received gene therapy to treat a disease such as cancer? Should your school, health insurance provider, or employer have access to your genetic profile? Understanding how DNA works has allowed scientists to recombine DNA molecules, clone organisms, and produce mice that glow in the dark. We likely have eaten genetically modified foods and are familiar with how DNA analysis is used to solve crimes. Manipulation of DNA by humans has resulted in bacteria that can protect plants from insect pests and restore ecosystems. Biotechnologies also have been used to produce insulin, hormones, antibiotics, and medicine that dissolve blood clots. Comparative genomics yields new insights into relationships among species, and DNA sequences reveal our personal genetic make-up. However, manipulation of DNA comes with social and ethical responsibilities, raising questions about its appropriate uses.
Nucleic acids can be isolated from cells for analysis by lysing cell membranes and enzymatically destroying all other macromolecules. Fragmented or whole chromosomes can be separated on the basis of size (base pair length) by gel electrophoresis. Short sequences of DNA or RNA can be amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Recombinant DNA technology can combine DNA from different sources using bacterial plasmids or viruses as vectors to carry foreign genes into host cells, resulting in genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Transgenic bacteria, agricultural plants such as corn and rice, and farm animals produce protein products such as hormones and vaccines that benefit humans. (It is important to remind ourselves that recombinant technology is possible because the genetic code is universal, and the processes of transcription and translation are fundamentally the same in all organisms.) Cloning produces genetically identical copies of DNA, cells, or even entire organisms (reproductive cloning). Genetic testing identifies disease-causing genes, and gene therapy can be used to treat or cure an inheritable disease. However, questions emerge from these technologies including the safety of GMOs and privacy issues
This week's discussion board topic:
a. What are examples of basic techniques used to manipulate genetic material (DNA and RNA)? Do you think is safe to do these genetic techniques? Why or why not? See here: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/nova/article/ethics-of-manipulating-genes/

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BIO WEEK 5: Basic Techniques Used in Manipulating Genetic Material
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BIO WEEK 5: Basic Techniques used in Manipulating Genetic Material
Traditional biotechnology has been used in improving agricultural produce since history. The earliest forms of modifying crops and animals to increase yield involved selective breeding. Today, these traditional approaches of modifying plants and animals have improved with the introduction of molecular DNA manipulation following the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953 and advancements in genetic engineering in the 1970s (University of Maryland Global Campus, 2021). Scientists were able to produce recombinant DNA molecules using restriction enzymes for the first time in 1972 through recombinant DNA technology. In this approach, pieces of DNA from different species are joined, and the resulting hybrid DNA is inserted into a host cell, which in most cases, is a bacterium (University of Maryland Global Campus, 2021). Restriction enzymes that slice DNA fragments at specific sites are used to prepare the pieces of DNA, which are then fused using DNA ligases before inserting them into the bacterium, where transformation takes place.
Following the first successful experiment in producing recomb...
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