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The Effect of Climate Change on Marine Life

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Please use "How does climate change affect the oceans and marine life"? as your topic to construct the essay.
The purpose of this final paper is to explore one of the questions the class has posed on the science and policy of climate change. In the prompt below, after you choose your topic, you can decide to do a deeper dive examining the scientific evidence, or current policy and policy proposals for addressing the problem.

Assignment: From the list of topics below, choose one to explore in greater detail. In the Introduction of your final paper, state the problem, and provide an overview of the scientific evidence for your chosen focus and possible policy proposals for addressing the problem. Next, discuss what science says about what changes we have already begun to see, and how consequences will play out in the future.


(i) the scientific evidence for your focus topic and its likely causes and (ii) possible consequences were it left unchecked. Evaluate (iii) proposed methods of mitigation.

You can start by examining the issue on a global level, then focus on one region. State your own opinion on whether these efforts will make a difference. Those focusing on scientific evidence for a particular topic should discuss the source and methodology of the scientific observations in greater detail, particularly if there is more than one method of observation that leads to the same conclusions. For those focusing on policy, look at current policies and proposals to address the issue, and discuss what can be done by the individual, and by authorities at the local, state, national or international level to mitigate the aspect of climate change you have chosen as your focus. The IPCC website (see links on the next page) is an excellent place to start. Conclude by providing a sentence summarizing your findings.

Topics: This list of topics is adapted from the topics of interest that you generated in class.

• What alternative energy resources could help mitigate climate change, and how do we assess the potential gains and drawbacks associated with putting these in place?

• How does climate change affect the oceans and marine life?

• How is deforestation linked to climate change and what can be done about it?

• How is climate change linked to our farming practices and food sources?

• How is climate change linked to the melting of glaciers, land ice, permafrost?

• What is the differential impact of climate change on different geographical areas of the globe? (As an example, what is the link between climate change and sea levels, and what populations does this affect the most?)

• What human factors play a role in climate change? What policies might offset the worst effects of climate change, and what hurdles lie in the way of implementing them?

• What can individual countries do to address climate change? Who should pay for global efforts to mitigate climate change? What role can a concerned individual play?

Assignment Details: The essay is worth up to 120 points.

Physics 100 Final Paper Fall 2022 The length should be 4 – 5 pages, 1200 – 1500 words, 12 pt font (not including citations), with captioned in-text images and graphs.

Make it 1.5 spaced rather than single for ease of reading.

At the end of the essay, please provide a separate page of citations referenced in the text and listed in the order they appear in the text, with the author, title, publication type, and the date of publication clearly identified. For websites, put in the entire URL. Images and graphs in your paper should have appropriate attribution. I suggest you use APA format, where references are cited in text with a number, and listed with that number at the end

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Effect of Climate Change on Marine Life
Student’s Name
Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today. It is caused by the increasing levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. Climate change is having a significant impact on marine and ocean life. As the Earth's climate continues to warm, the oceans are absorbing much of the excess heat, leading to rising sea levels, more frequent and severe storms, and other changes in the marine environment (He & Silliman, 2019).. While climate change has a number of different effects on the environment, it can have particularly significant impacts on the oceans and marine life.
Rising Water Temperatures
One of the most important ways that climate change affects the oceans is through rising water temperatures. Climate change is causing the Earth's temperature to rise, particularly over the last century. This rise in temperature is primarily due to the increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat and prevent it from escaping into space. The Earth's average surface temperature has risen by about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, and most of this warming has occurred since the mid-20th century. This may not seem like a large increase, but it has already had significant impacts on the Earth's climate and environment. As the Earth's atmosphere warms, the oceans absorb much of this extra heat. This can have a number of consequences for marine life. For example, warmer water temperatures can cause coral reefs to bleach and die. Coral reefs are important habitats for many species of fish and other marine life, so their loss can have cascading effects throughout the ecosystem.
Distribution of Marine Species
Warmer water temperatures can also affect the behavior and distribution of many species of fish. Warm temperatures can have an impact on the distribution of marine animals. In general, warmer waters tend to support a greater diversity and abundance of marine life compared to colder waters (Cavicchioli, Ripple, Timmis, Azam, Bakken, Baylis, Behrenfeld, Boetius, Boyd, Classen, & Crowther, 2019). This is because warmer waters typically have a higher amount of dissolved oxygen and other nutrients, which are essential for the growth and survival of marine organisms. Warm temperatures can also affect the distribution of marine animals by influencing their behavior and physiological processes. For example, warmer waters may cause marine animals to migrate to cooler waters in search of more suitable conditions for growth and reproduction. On the other hand, some marine animals may be able to tolerate and adapt to warmer waters, allowing them to expand their range and thrive in new areas. Some species may move to cooler waters, while others may become more common in areas where they were previously rare. This can disrupt the delicate balance of marine ecosystems and lead to declines in fish populations. In addition, warmer water temperatures can make it more difficult for fish to breathe, which can further reduce their populations.
Rising Sea Level
Another way that climate change affects the oceans is through sea level rise. As the Earth's temperature rises, th...
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