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Theatrical Production of a Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast

Essay Instructions:

Imagine you are the director for a theatrical production of your favorite fairy tale. (You can choose! Please do not use the images or ideas that have already been done. For example, if you use Cinderella you may not choose images or ideas from Ever After or the Disney film)

Part 1- Please provide a detailed analysis of your story’s central conflict and theme. Additionally, discuss the reasons you chose this story and why you believe it is relevant for audiences today. Why this show; why now?
- 1.5 pages, double-spaced.

Part 2- Answer the following questions about your production.
- 2-3 Pages (not including pictures), double spaced (You may use bullet points)

1) Casting
Assuming you can have any actor of your choosing, who would you cast for 3 of your characters in the show? Write a sentence or two explaining each choice. (Consider how the actors have chemistry with each other.)

2) Costumes
Describe how you would design each of your 3 character’s costumes. Be sure to consider colors and textures. Please note, a good description comprises more than the phrase “Normal clothes.” Please use specifics in your response. Feel free to include pictures to compliment your descriptions.

3) Set Design
What would your stage look like? How many sets would you need to prepare? How would they come on and off stage? What elements would you add to your live show that would make it a different experience than watching the movie at home? You may wish to refer to the text for options and ideas. Feel free to include pictures to compliment your descriptions.

4) Lighting
In a few sentences, how would you use lighting to enhance the mood or a particular scene? Remember to take into account your costumes as you design the lights! Feel free to include pictures to compliment your descriptions.

5) Sound
Please describe some of the sound elements you would be using. What opportunities do you have to create interesting sound designs? Please find at least 3 places to incorporate sound design.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast
Student's Name
Instructor's Name
Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast
Part 1
Beauty and the Beast is a romantic fantasy film produced in 2017. The film has themes revolving around love, sacrifice, identity, appearance, and community. In the film, Beauty is attracted to the character of the Beast, and she falls in love with him. Beauty does not focus on the Beast's outward appearance; therefore, her main aim is to be with someone of his character. The film's conflict is about the type of relationship that initially exists between Beauty and Beast. They are both unsure whether they can be lovers, and finally, Beauty develops unshaken love for the Beast. On the other hand, Beast has not found love, and once he finds someone to love dearly, it is an opportunity for him to break the curse on his family's lineage. The film ends with Bell loving the Beast, and they become the perfect couple. Therefore, the film depicts a theme of love and romance and the relationship with others in the social world. Hence, it is under similar themes and plans that I would set up a film that engages the audience and creates a sense of belonging to the audience, where they feel like part of the story. Hence, the significance of the film would be depicted through the use of props, costumes, and lighting that would together develop the desired theme.
This story is relevant for the audience today since it serves the purpose of entertaining due to its thrilling nature. Secondly, it is important to educate the audience that true love focuses on the most important aspects, such as a person's character, rather than physical r outward appearance. It is a lesson for people to value themselves first and improve self-love. The reason for this lesson is that people in the current generation are not able to love and appreciate others since they have not yet developed a love for themselves. Therefore, it becomes difficult for them to love others. A great lesson from this film is that people do not find love; they give love. Therefore, one cannot give what they do not have. Until a person learns to love themselves, they cannot love others since they always have a sense of inadequacy. All this is based on unconditional love, seen in the film's actors, such as Beauty and Bella. Unconditional love is generally based on romance. It could be love towards anyone important to the subject. Therefore, loving colleagues and friends unconditionally create a spirit of sharing and wanting to achieve the best for each other.
Part 2
When choosing the best characters for the show, I would ensure that the potential individuals have the ability to make up funny moments and keep up with the energy and zeal shown by the original actors. Some of the three actors I would choose for the cast are Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Kevin Hart, and Kate Blanchett. Dwayne Johnson would play the role of the Beast, and Kate would play the role of Bella, also known as Beauty. Kevin Hart would have the role of Ewan McGregor. The reason for choosing Kevin Hart for this role is due to his flexibility and cunny nature which makes him fit the description of Ewan McGregor in the original film. Dwayne Johnson will be suitable for the role due to his body structure and the ability to express seriousness, which would make him fit for a beast. I would choose Kate Blanchett due to her fragile character, which would be significant to depict the ability of her being easily manipulated to fall in love. This cast would promote the main meanings of comedy and romance. The actors also share significant chemistry since they all have been involved in prior fantasy movies. Hence, they will be able to coordinate and present the film as intended.
Being a fantasy and romantic film, ...
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