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The Role of Music in the Film 'Zootopia'

Essay Instructions:

I choose the film Zootopia
This end-of-term written assignment (600 - 800 words, typewritten) will be an examination and analysis of a selected film clip, and the role of music—and more broadly, the role of sound—within that clip, as it interacts with the film’s visual track. Each student will select a clip between one and three minutes in length (with perhaps some flexibility in length, one way or the other, depending on the clip). A "first-come, first-claimed" set of sign-up boards is now available. Each student must select a film clip (by title and times) that has not already been claimed. An extensive list of films is provided (below) from which to select a clip.
PLEASE NOTE: You may select a film that someone else has already selected. Two or more of you can select the same film. But you must select a film clip that is uniquely your own. And you must make your selection from one of the films listed below.
Remember you have access to three of the five full-length films in this course. Any clips not included in the lessons, open forums, or discussion boards are fair game. Also, any film on the list is fair game--you simply need to own, rent, or borrow the film.
Your paper provides an opportunity to apply the O.A.R.S model of examination (Observation, Analysis, Reflection, Synthesis), which has been practiced in the discussion boards, and which has been repeatedly modeled in the lessons of this course. The key is to focus, and to examine in detail.
Here are some more tips about writing your paper: You can assume the reader has seen the film, but you still want to orient your reader with a brief introduction of your topic. Similarly, at the end of your paper, you want a conclusion that provides insight and synthesis--stating the sorts of things that come from reflecting on the observations and analysis that make up the "meat" of your paper.
Peruse the film list, and select a film from the list and identify a clip between 1 and 3 minutes in length that will be the subject of your paper. It’s possible that the clip could be shorter or longer—but check with your instructor about any exceptions.
There are four Sign-up Boards, based on the first letter of the film titles. Be sure to select the correct sign-up board—as presented in the list here—based on the alphabetical category under which your selected film is listed.
When you are sure of your selection, go to the corresponding Sign-up Board and post your film title with start and stop times for your selected clip. The Sign-up Board explains exactly how to do this.
Some examples of clips that have already been “claimed” (by virtue of their having been the subject of examination within our lessons) provide a model for your sign-up “posts.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Zootopia
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
My selected film is Zootopia. It is based on a storyline where anthropomorphic mammals face racism and prejudice, similar to current society. A new police graduate, Judy Hopps, joins the force with a dream of changing the world. She is the first rabbit to join this security forces department. To prove herself, she accepts a challenge from the Police Chief, Bogo, to look for Emmitt Otterton, who has been missing. The young officer pairs with a fox to crack the case. They both uncover a scheme of high predator verse prey crime levels in Zootopia (Rich & Byron, 2016). This analysis will be based on a scene featuring sloth characters in the Department of Motor Vehicles as per the instructions. The shot starts with the entry of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde into the security division. The female cop is shocked to see that all clerks are sloths. However, Nick reminds her that just because these animals are working in that department, it does not mean they cannot complete duties fast (Rich & Byron 13).
O.A.R.S Model
The scene takes place at the department of the motor vehicles. The division seems busy with long queues of clients served by sloths seated at the front desks (Rich & Byron 13). Some of these workers slowly take pictures while others stamp and staple papers. The scene also has background music. It is a soundtrack by Shakira, Try Everything. Voices of Hopps, Nick, and the sloths serving them can be heard as the characters converse. The policewoman is trying to run a license plate number and is in a hurry. However, the clerk is slow in executing the task. The scene is 2 minutes and appears between 12:...
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