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5 pages/≈1375 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 18

Robert Mapplethorpe And Photography Of The Male Nude

Essay Instructions:

The final assignment can be a written paper or a creative photographic project. If you choose to write a paper, you can write on your personal experience visiting a photographic exhibition (The review must use the skills that you have learned in class to describe and critically analyze photographic works), or on any photography-related subject (a photographer you are interested in, a photo-based art movement, or the use of photography in your own field, for example). If you are reviewing a gallery exhibition, you must include an analysis of at least 3-5 specific photographic works. And, if you are writing a more formal paper, you must include (and properly cite) at least 5 primary sources and other secondary sources. Do not use Wikipedia, online encyclopedias, or similar “general” web sites. You must include peer-reviewed articles from sources such as JSTOR. The final paper must be at least 4-5 pages (approximately 1,500 words and no lower than 1,200 word excluding the title, your name, bibliography, etc), and properly structured in MLA or APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Art History Robert Mapplethorpe and photography of the male nude Name Course Date The artist Robert Mapplethorpe mainly focuses eroticism in his works, and the topic looks into eroticism in Mapplethorpe Now (Guggenheim exhibition in NY happening now). Art mainly thrives in societies where there is open to criticism and disse...
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