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1 pages/≈275 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 3.6

'On the Photography" by Susan

Essay Instructions:

This is a reading and writing intensive course. Students are required to do all the readings and write a “reading response” about 300 word to the assigned close reading(s) given each week (“close readings” are usually PDF texts provided in addition to the readings from the textbook). The first paragraph of the reading response is a summary of the reading (or a section of the reading that you find interesting or worthy of discussion). And the remaining 2-3 paragraphs contains your personal “response” to the reading, either in the form of agreement/disagreement, or in the form of questions about what you don’t understand or what you need clarified further. Bring at least two questions to discuss in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
ON the Photography Student’s Name Institution’s Affiliation’s Summary The book On the Photography by Susan describes that the reality is related through the images. However, the Philosophers like Plato tried to limit the reliance of man through pointing out other methods of grasping the real. Sontag argues that the current society likes consuming images hence makes the photography an essential tool because it supports the health of the economy as well as the stability of the social structure. Besides photography is a direct extension of the object. The first chapter of the book covers Plato's cave summary where Sontag argues that the collection of the Photographs is like the collection of the world. The second chapter covers the American seen through the photographs darkly where Susan inspects the visions of America through the eyes of the photographers. The pictures are supposed to idealize the images. The third chapter relie...
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