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Resistance, Disintegration and Liberation Prophecy

Essay Instructions:

Part One (average 400 words - you can extend this part over part two if it interests you more):

Read the full pdf article by Modirzadeh (2009, Leonardo Journal).

Discuss (for 5%) at least one of the following sections on: "Resistance, Disintegration, and Liberation Prophecy" (pgs 254-55), "Chromodal Concept" (pgs 256-57), and/or "Collapsing Pyramids" (pg 257).

In particular (for 5%), regarding the article's music-making introduction and section on Improvisation as Compost (pgs 253-254), watch/listen to the two brief excerpts of the actual event as described (two links below), and relate this collective sound approach to the link by soundscape ecologist Bernie Krause (watch the last two links for additional background).

Chromodal Consort "Compost Sonata" Excerpt One: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=bXZugkJen6U

Chromodal Consort "Compost Sonata" Excerpt Two: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=qqivaZc55SY

Bernie Krause - The Great Animal Orchestra: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=LLBl6gwp5Eg&list=RDfeexRcCHh3k&index=3

Bernie giving background and context to his work with nature's soundscapes:

"This Is What Extinction Sounds Like": https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=KnpsMG0PWRY&list=RDfeexRcCHh3k&index=2

Bernie Krause TED talk: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=uTbA-mxo858

upload your final paper here as a Word document, as well as posting the text directly on this forum.


Part Two (average 200 words): After reading Chris Smith's article on the semiotics of jazz trumpeter, Miles Davis (PDF below) watch/listen to the excerpts below of Miles Davis - then, try to tie together Smith's descriptions of "ritual space" with Krause's natural soundscapes, as well as the "ambiguously symbolic" with Modirzadeh's "compost music" performance (for 5%).

For Smith article - excerpts from Miles Davis' Paris Concert (1989):



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Resistance, Disintegration and Liberation Prophecy
This section of the paper discusses resistance, disintegration and liberation prophecy in the early post-colonial American dispensation. According to (Modirzadeh, 2009), Resistance against White discrimination saw the American minority groups like the Indians, Africans and Hispanic come together through a doctrine of non-violent resistance that consisted of dancing and singing to show their grievances since when they used they were killed or physically injured by the police who were majorly white dominated.
Due to racial differences, traditions, cultures and ethnicities that existed in the American community disintegrated into different segments. Inside the racial groupings, class wars also caused more disintegration as Whites saw themselves as people of high social class than the African Americans and the Hispanic. This is because Whites were slave owners and Africans worked on White farms as slaves. The latter were considered poor and of a low social class than the former.
Resistance through the prophetic design of music like the Cry of Jazz and the Ghost Dance people were enabled to overcome the challenges and oppressions that Black Africans faced in the hands of White Americans. Through that, the Black Liberation Movement inspired many more social movements for equality and justice. The African American culture, and especial its music inspired other minority groups to sing about their struggles and assert their distinct and unique cultural identities. White people’s attempts to downplay the African culture were met with rebellion, dissidence, opposition and militancy.
On the issue of liberation prophesy, liberation came when Africans could play Chinese or Western instruments and vice versa and musicians from different cultures could collaborate to produce one piece of music. Through, the instruments and the shared sounds among different cultures, the oppressed communities like the Indians, African Americans, and Hispanic gained some sought of healing from the oppressions of the whites.
In the Youtube video Chromodal Consort "Compost Sonata" Excerpt One, you can feel the musical composition of different musical instruments in an orchestra. Some of the musical instruments that we can here play are the guitar, the African Conga, the African tom-tom drum, violin, flutes, violin and trumpets. This attests that even without verbal sound collection of musical instruments together can be so sweet to the ear.
In the Youtube video titled Chromodal Consort "Compost Sonata" Excerpt Two, we hear a musical sound the consists of mixed culture instruments instruments like are the guitar, th...
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